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Speech Practice

Describe the procedure of applying for admission to the Master’s programs at NSTU.

3. Read the following dialogue. Do you agree or disagree with the answers given below?

1. Why have you chosen a research-oriented program? 1. I’ve chosen this program because I think it’s a challenge to do research. It’s not just studying something, it is also doing something original on the basis of what has already been done by someone.
2. So, research is a creative type of work, isn’t it? 2. Oh, yes, beyond any doubt.
3. How could you characterize creative work? 3. In my opinion, it is further development of scientific ideas put forward by researchers in the field, looking for new ideas, and creating something entirely new.
4. Well, thank you. It seems to be the right thing. One more question, please. Why is participation in conferences of various levels considered so important for young researchers? 4. First of all, I think, it is an opportunity to meet face to face with prominent researchers in the field, to listen to their presentations, and to make your own presentations. It is an opportunity to learn something new and stimulating, and exchange ideas.
5. Do you share the view that the English language is a “communication tool” for researchers? 5. Well, yes, if it is an international conference where you have an opportunity to communicate with your foreign colleagues person-to-person, understand and discuss the papers presented. Besides, you need it for reading. Sure, it is an important, even indispensable “communication tool.”  
6. Is research, in your opinion, teamwork or individual activity? 6. I think both. At the present time, though, it seems to be teamwork first of all.
7. Thank you very much for the interview. 7. You are welcome.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 235 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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