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Main Research Concentrations in NSTU

1. Universal algebra and model theory

2. Soliton (solitary) wave theory and inverse-scattering method

3. Fractal structures modelling

4. Physics of low dimension systems

5. Laser systems and technologies

6. Basic physics of synchronous radiation technologies

7. Automatic control under object properties incomplete information

8. Mathematical and information support of expert systems for complex multi-factor engineering object study

9. Automated measurement, control and diagnostic facilities based on holography, superconductivity and quantum dimension effects

10. Statistic theory of signal and image stable location, evaluation and filtration

11. Developing transducers working under extreme conditions

12. Large power systems and their units: increasing the efficiency, ecological compatibility and quality of their operation

13. Complex electric drives for robots and manipulator mechanisms: high torque and linear electric motors, semiconductor converters

14. Developing hybrid methods and software for aircraft structure strength and reliability calculation

15. Generalized mathematical models and optimization of machine and mechanism structures; solution of multi-criterion and multi-parametric problems

16. Humanistic approach to engineering education

17. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education

18. Developing organisation, management and marketing systems and methods for industries, enterprises and industrial complexes

1. Vocabulary list

academic staff (Br E), faculty (Am E) профессорско-препода-вательский состав
doctor of science (D. Sc.) степень доктора наук, присуждаемая в России после защиты докторской диссертации; cf doctoral (Ph. D.) degrees in Western universities
major предмет специализации, основной предмет
postdoctoral students примерный аналог понятия "докторанты" в Российской аспиран- туре
notes: programme (Br E) / program (Am E)   программа
centre (Br E) / center (Am E) центр
modelling (Br E) / modeling (Am E) моделирование

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 247 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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