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Years of progress in education and science

Since its early days, the university has been paying much attention to theoretical and applied research in the field of engineering. Nowadays, NSTU is one of the leading technical universities in Russia and an important scientific center. Its schools of thought on the automatic control; computer-aided devices for metering, control, and diagnostics; software for expert systems aimed for investigation of complex entities; hybrid methods and program systems for calculating strength and reliability of structures; increase in stability, economical efficiency, and quality of large engineering systems; new types of electronic and radio engineering devices; mathematical modeling and optimization of complex mechanical systems acquired national and international reputation.

For many years, NSTU has been maintaining contacts with the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). A joint program to train highly qualified specialists has been drawn up. In particular, NSTU actively participates in carrying out projects of the Federal Target Program Integration. Cooperation in the projects with the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences facilitates the integration of educational and research institutions and transformation of the university into the leading scientific and educational center of the region.

During the last decade, humanities became an integral part of the courses offered by NSTU and this is not by chance; it is rather meeting the demands of the present-day society.

Special attention is devoted to bringing up new generations of researchers. Many former university students have become leading NSTU researchers and professors. In 1994, NSTU opened its first Master's Programs. These are research-oriented programs which are considered as a step towards studies and research in Cand. Sc. (doctoral) programs. At present, it is fully realized that the young generation of researchers are researchers of the XXI century. They are the future of Russian science and there is every reason to believe that these gifted, creative, hardworking young people will make an outstanding contribution to the development of science.

Since early 1970's, NSTU has been organizing the Days of Science. Conferences, olympiads, grant competitions are held within the framework of this event. Students involved in research work and making good progress in the field are awarded university grants. Outstanding students are awarded City, Regional Administration, Russian Federation Government and Presidential grants.

Inter-university conferences are of utmost importance. Getting together and discussing problems of common interest provides first-hand information on the research pursued, facilitates personal contacts, promotes further collaboration, which is, indeed, the primary objective of these events.

As is known, science is developing due to exchange of ideas. Nowadays, it is the English language which has become the language of international scientific communication. Integration into the world scientific community requires thorough knowledge of English.

The university concluded twenty-five agreements on cooperation in the field of science, culture, and education. Participation of the NSTU faculty in various international conferences and symposiums is a traditional form of scientific information exchange. During the recent years, NSTU was the venue of 39 international events.

(Based on the materials of the First Graduate School Inter-University Scientific Conference, NSTU, Novosibirsk, 2000)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 236 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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