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1. Brazil, Russia, India and China, known as the BRICs, will comprise 20 percent of the world economy this year, International Monetary Fund data show.

2. By 2000, the median worker had to work 67.4 hours a month to put his or her family into the median home.

3. In China, unlike the euro area or America, a slowdown is overdue.

4. The slowdown indicates that estimates of the U.S. financial problem may “turn out to be overly optimistic”.

5. In the Great Depression, many countries tried devaluations to gain export advantages over rivals.

6. Combined GDP in the BRICs will rise to more than $14 trillion this year from $2.8 trillion in 2002, according to the IMF.

7. Managers know their companies need growth to survive.

8. The government offered firms temporary subsidies to forestall outsourcing.

9. Low interest rates around the world will boost growth in the BRIC countries, said O’Neill, the former chief economist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

10. A tax increase on tobacco in October also hurt cigarette sales.

11. The tax increase on tobacco in New Zealand on 28 April 2010 was the first increase above CPI (Consumer Price Index) for a decade.

12. Manufacturing continued its unlikely — if still modest — revivalin March.

13. Germany could add about 10 percent to growth over the next decade if it removed barriers to competition and other inefficiencies, according to the O.E.C.D.

14. Corporate leaders worked with educators to churn out a labor force with the right skills.

15. Germany needs to boost both domestic spending and its services sector to maintain its performance over the next decade.

16. Though the German economy grew a healthy 3 percent last year, it will grow only 0.6 percent this year and 1.9 percent in 2013, the O.E.C.D. forecast.

17. A new €28 billion loan for Greece has been approved by the IMF as part of the overall financing package agreed by Athens and its partners in the eurozone.

18. Akey ingredient in the government’s new economic strategy wasthe successful conclusion on March 9 of a substantial write-down of Greece’s debt.

Exercise № 15.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 355 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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