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Vocabulary practice

Определенную трудность при переводе представляют многозначные слова. Необходимо иметь в виду, что любое, казалось бы, хорошо знакомое слово в зависимости от контекста может иметь различные значения.

Exercise № 8

economy - 1) экономика, хозяйство 2) экономия 3) ВВП 4) экономическая держава 5) мн.ч. – страны

Translate the following word combinations and sentences into Russian.

global economy, market economy, advanced economies, fuel economy, emerging economies, industrialized economies, economies of scale, national economy, centrally planned economy, natural economy

1) The nation's economy grew at a slower pace than previously reported in the first three months of this year, raising new concerns about economic weakness.

2) In 2011, China's economy grew by 9.2%, down from 2010's figure of 10.4% growth.

3) The average fuel economy of 2012 model year vehicles is 14 percent higher than the same mark of just four years earlier, according to a University of Michigan study.

4) In 2010 China shot past Japan to become the world’s second-largest economy (based on current market prices).

5) Real GDP in most richeconomies is still below its level at the end of 2007. In contrast, emerging economies’ output has jumped by almost 20% over the same period.

6) The economy added 163,000 jobs in July as the unemployment rate rose to 8.3%.

7) Loans at very low rates from state-owned banks in Beijing, cheap or free land from local and provincial governments across China, huge economies of scale and other cost advantages have transformed China from a minor player in the solar power industry just a few years ago into the main producer of an increasingly competitive source of electricity.

Exercise № 9

output - 1) выпуск, продукция 2) объем производства, добычи

3) производительность, выработка, мощность

Translate the following word combinations and sentences into Russian.

annual output, industrial output, daily output, gross output, manufacturing output, milk output, factory output, oil output, world output; economic output, farm output.

1) British manufacturing output showed a small increase in September.

2) Philippine farm output this year is expected to grow by as much as 5 percent on back of a sharp rise in rice production.

3) The economic output of all countries in the EU has increased considerably during the last three decades.

4) Many analysts think Iran could double its oil output to nearly 7 million barrels per day.

5) A good monsoon, stable cattle-feed cost and better price to farmers are expected to increase domestic milk output by six-seven per cent and ensure stable prices to consumers.

6) New figures released by the Central Statistics Office show that Ireland’s economic output decreased in the last quarter of 2011 – putting Ireland back into a recession.

7) Based on the World Steel Association data, in June this year the crude steel output of 62 countries surveyed across the globe reached 127.9 million tonnes increasing by 0.1% YoY basis (year-on-year) and down 2.04% compared to May this year.

8) The Northern Bank is predicting economic output will remain largely flat this year.

9) Output per worker rises when the workers are more skilled and work with greater intensity, and it rises also when they are given better equipment, more efficient plant-layouts, and bettermaterials.

10) China's annual output of shale gas is expected to skyrocket from near zero now to 6.5 billion cubic meters in 2015 and at least 10 times that by 2020, the government said in a development plan Friday,

Exercise № 10

rate - 1 ) размер, норма; 2) ставка, тариф; 3) курс; 4) темп, скорость;5) коэффициент, показатель, степень; 6) разряд, сорт, класс.

Translate the following word combinations and sentences into Russian.

growth rate, interest rate, rate of inflation, unemployment rate, birth rate, exchange rate, dollar rate, wage rate, profit rate, freight rate, output rate, penalty rate, tax rate, at an annual rate, rate of profitability.

1) The unemployment rate represents unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force.

2) The rate of profit is the best indicator of the ‘health’ of a capitalist economy.

3) The soaring unemployment rate is a lagging indicator of the financial problems in the euro zone, and is not terribly surprising given (учитывая) all the bad news coming from Europe in the last couple of years.

4) Latvia has one of the highest GDP growth rates in Europe, mostly driven by expansion in consumption and credit.

5) The US and Europe have also criticised China’s exchange rate controls; accusing China of making their exports artificially cheap and giving Chinese manufacturers an unfair advantage over European and American producers.

6) The U.S. birth rate has dropped to the lowest level since national data have been available, according to statistics just released by the Centers for Disease Control.

7) Some economists expect the Bank of England committee to consider an interest rate increase in May, when more data on inflation and the economy in the first quarter will be available.

8) The UK rate of inflation fell last month to a two-and-a-half year low owing to slowing fuel and food prices.

9) The unemployment rate fell to 8.5%. That was the fourth month in a row that the jobless number has fallen, and it was the lowest level that gauge of economy has been since February 2009.

10) Freight rates have plummeted in recent months, thanks to weak demand and an oversupply of container ships.

11) The economy in the U.S. grew at a 3 percent annual rate in the last three months of 2011, the same as previously estimated, while corporate profits climbed at the slowest pace in three years.

Exercise № 11.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying special attention to the meaning of the verb to account for – 1) составлять, приходиться на долю 2) объяснять что-либо, служить причиной 3) отчитываться за что-либо, нести ответственность

Обратите особое внимание на необходимость грамматической трансформации при переводе предложений, в которых глагол to account for употребляется в значении приходиться на долю. Например: The U.S. now accounts for 45 per cent of Hong Kong’s exports by value. – В настоящее время на долю США приходится 45 % от общего объема экспорта Гонконга в стоимостном выражении.

1. China accounts for about a fifth of the world's total economic output and any slowdown may hamper a global recovery.

2. The Pentagon cannot properly account for nearly nine billion dollars in Iraqi oil revenues and other funds received for Iraqi reconstruction programs after the 2003 US invasion.

3. In 2008 private consumption accounted for only 35% of GDP, down from 49% in 1990.

4. In America start-ups have accounted for almost all the job creation in the past couple of decades.

5. Exports of industrial raw materials and capital goods, especially to emerging economies, account for the lion’s share of recent gains in GDP.

6. Falsified theories are to be replaced by theories that can account for the phenomena that is, with greater explanatory power.

7. The invention of the cotton gin (машина для очистки хлопкового волокна) was one of the key factors that accounted for the explosive growth of cotton production and slave labor in the South in the 1850's.

8. The storekeeper was expected to account for any material removed.

9. An increase in net exports has accounted for no less than two-thirds of Germany’s total GDP growth over the past decade, far more than any other big economy.

10. At the board meeting the sales manager accounted for the failure to meet the target figures.

11. Bad weather accounted for the flight delay.

Exercise № 12.

Describing graphs, trends, and changes

For each trend there are a number of verbs and nouns to express the movement.

Going up

Verbs: to advance, to climb, to increase, to rise, to grow, to gain ground, to head north, to improve, to go up Nouns: an advance, an increase, a rise, a growth, a climb, a hike, an upturn

Going down

Verbs: to decline, to drop, to fall, to head south, to lose ground, to retreat, to slide, to go down.

Nouns: a decline, a drop, a fall, a retreat, a slide, a downturn

These words used to talk of an upward or downward trend do not in themselves indicate by how much the index have gone up or down.

Going up by small or moderate amount:

Verbs: to edge ahead, to edge higher, to edge up, to firm

Going down by small or moderate amounts

Verbs: to dip, to drift (lower), to ease, to edge down, to edge lower, to slip (lower)

Nouns: a dip, a drift, a slip

Going up by large amounts

Verbs: to jump, to leap, to roar ahead, to roar up, to rocket, to shoot ahead, to shoot up, to skyrocket, to soar, to surge (ahead)

Nouns: a jump, a leap, a surge

Going down by large amounts

Verbs: to dive, to nosedive, to plunge, to plummet, to tumble

Nouns: a dive, a nosedive, a plunge, a tumble

Going down fast by very large amounts

Verbs: to collapse, to crash, to crumble, to slump

Nouns: a crash, a collapse, a slump

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