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Lesson 7


1.Words to master:

skill- майстерність, вміння, навичка

in order to – для того, щоб

human-relations skills – навички спілкування (в ділових стосунках)

mental - розумовий

ability- здібність, здатність, спроможність

to acquire – набувати, отримувати, запрошувати

ahead – вперед

tool – інструмент, знаряддя

requirement- вимога, необхідна умова

expenditure- витрати, грошові витрати

effort- зусилля, спроба, напруга

therefore – тому, внаслідок того, з цієї причини

2.Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) He was injured and therefore unable to play.

b) This motivational program is designed to improve human relations skills.

c) This will acquire a lot of your free time.

d) They made superhuman efforts to stay alive.

e) Her expenditure was ever miserly.

f) Tom has got some kind of mental disorder.

g) He slouched into his seat in order to avoid drawing attention to himself.

h) Turn left and then go straight ahead.

i) This candidate does not meet the requirement that secondary school should be completed.

j) Your ability to remember everything impresses me greatly.

k) Money is a pure tool - nothing more.

3.Read and translate the text:

Managerial Skills

Managerial skills are certain skills that managers need in order to do their jobs effectively. These skills include conceptual, technical, administrative and human-relations skills.

Conceptual skills are the mental abilities, needed to acquire, analyze, and interpret information, received from various sources, and to make complex decisions. This is the ability to «see the big picture», to plan ahead.

Technical skills include the ability to use the knowledge, tools and techniques of a specific discipline or field. Every industry, every com­pany and enterprise, and every job has its special technical requirements.

Administrative skills include the administrator's ability to process paper work in an orderly manner and manage expenditures within the limits set by a budget.

Managers need a network of contacts and human relationships, because to achieve organizational goals a manager has to use the efforts of other people. Therefore, human-relation skills are very important skills for a manager. Human-relation skills are abilities to understand other people, and to interact effectively with them.

Conceptual, technical, administrative and human-relation skills can be acquired through education and experience.

4.Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) Адміністративні навички

b) Аналітичні здібності

c) Приймати комплексні рішення

d) Планувати наперед

e) Здатність використовувати знання

f) Організовувати упорядковану паперову роботу

g) Обмеження встановлені бюджетом

h) Мережа контактів

i) Досягати організаційних цілей

j) Ефективно взаємодіяти

5.Choose the correct word:

1) Now we are talking about his mental (needs, abilities, necessities).

2) Any student need to (acquire, require, secure) certain knowledge to become a good specialist.

3) No matter what (tool, skill, effort) Tom makes, he will make no good manager.

4) Applying for a job you should say some words about your human-relations (skills, knowledge, opportunity).

5) The company has looked over its budget, (in order to, therefore, because) the employees will get no bounty this month.

6) I am going to consult a financial consultant, because my expenditures are increasing.

7) Go (on, ahead, out) and start your management career right now!

6.Answer the questions:

1) What are managerial skills?

2) What do conceptual skills include?

3) What are technical skills?

4) What do administrative skills mean?

5) What are human-relations skills?

6) Why does a manager need all these skills?

7) How can the skills be acquired?

7.Questions for discussion:

1) What do you thing a person should do to develop managerial skills?

2) Which skill do you consider to be the most important one?

3) What other managerial skills can you thing over?

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 174 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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