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Lesson 4


1.Words to master:

appoint­ment – призначення, місце

anxiety – хвилювання, турбота

survey – анкета, обзор

to estimate - оцінювати

to keep track – досліджувати

waster – розтратник, мот, транжира

to multiply – множити

to subtract - віднімати

grooming – догляд за тілом

thumb – великий палець / їхати автостопом

calculus - розрахунки

to fig­ure out – підраховувати

2.Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) Father is trying to figure out his tax.

b) There is real anxiety about the effects of radiation.

c) I shall break an appointment.

d) The costs have been multiplied up many times.

e) Like many students I had thumbed my way through France.

f) The builders estimate the cost of repairing the roof at $600.

g) The BBC surveyed four thousand drug users and their families.

h) A leaking tap is a great waster.

i) If you subtract 2 from 7, the answer is 5.

3.Read and translate the text:

Time Management Tips

Scheduling and managing time wisely are important for any college student. Moreover, it will help you in your future career to cope with everything in time. If you miss important appoint­ments and deadlines you will cause complications to both your academic and social lives. This causes anxiety, frus­tration, guilt, and other nasty feelings.

A personal time survey

To begin managing your time you first need a clearer idea of how you now use your time. The Personal Time Survey will help you to estimate how much time you currently spend in typical activities. To get a more ac­curate estimate, you might keep track of how you spend your time for a week. This will help you get a better idea of how much time you need to prepare for each subject. It will also help you identify your time wasters. But for now complete the Personal Time Survey to get an estimate.

The following survey shows the amount of time you spend on various activities. When taking the survey, esti­mate the amount of time spent on each item. Once you have this amount, multiply it by seven. This will give you the total time spent on the activity in one week. After each item's weekly time has been calculated, add all these times for the grand total. Subtract this from 168, the total possible hours per week. Here We Go:

Ø Number of hours of sleep each night x 7 =

Ø Number of grooming hours per day x 7 =

Ø Number of hours for meals/snacks per day — in­clude preparation time x 7 =

Ø Total travel time weekdays x 5 =

Ø Total travel time weekends

Ø Number of hours per week for regularly scheduled functions ________________________ (clubs, church, get-togethers etc.)

Ø Number of hours per day for chores, errands, extra grooming etc. x 7 =

Ø Number of hours of work per week

Ø Number of hours in class per week

Ø Number of average hours per week socialising, dates etc.

Be honest!

Now add up the totals:

Subtract the above number from 168 - =

The remaining hours are the hours you have allowed yourself to study.

Study Hour Formula

To determine how many hours you need to study each week to get A' s, use the following rule of thumb. Study two hours per hour in class for an easy class, three hours per hour in class for an average class, and four hours per hour in class for a difficult class. For example, basket weaving 101 is a relatively easy 3 hour course. Usually, a person would not do more than 6 hours of work outside of class per week. Advanced calculus is usually considered a difficult course, so it might be best to study the proposed 12 hours a week. If more hours are needed, take away some hours from easier courses, i.e., basket weaving. Fig­ure out the time that you need to study by using the above formula for each of your classes.

4.Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) Управління часом

b) Справлятися з усім вчасно

c) Ускладнення як в науковому так і в соціальному житті

d) Точні підрахунки

e) Час на їжу та перекуси

f) Години, що залишились

g) Чітка ідея

h) Готуватися до кожного предмету

5.Make up word combinations:

college time

to cope with everything

miss student

nasty appoint­ments

time of class

to estimate thumb

typical to study

Identify time

amount of activities

allowed survey

rule of time wasters

outside feelings

6.True or false:

1) Scheduling time wisely is not important for any college student.

2) Managing time will help you in your future social life to cope with everything in time.

3) Missing important deadlines you will causes frus­tration and guilt.

4) To begin managing your time you first need a clearer piece of paper of how you now use your time.

5) The Personal Time Survey will help you to estimate how much time you currently spend in typical activities.

6) To get a more ac­curate estimate, you might keep track of how you spend your money for a week.

7) The following survey hides the amount of time you spend on various activities.

8) Study two days per hour in class for an easy class.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 160 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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