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What's your style?

Define the degree of assertiveness you demonstrate in a variety of commonly occurring situations. Choose the num­ber that best indicates how you most often act in each sce­nario and be honest with yourself.

0= Never

1 = Rarely

2 = Sometimes

3 = Usually

4= Always

1. Do you find it hard to compliment or praise others?

2. Do you finish other people's sentences for them?

3. When you're angry, do you call people names or use obscenities?

4. Do you often step in and make decisions for other people?

5. Do you get nervous when someone watches you work?

6. Do you easily lose your temper?

7. Do you get into fights with others, especially strang­ers?

8. When someone is acting unfairly, do you let them continue?

9. When others break ahead of you in the lunch line, do you keep quiet?

10. Do you always think you have the right answer?

11. Do you bully others to get your way?

12. At parties, do you feel like a wallflower?

13. Do you find it hard to make decisions?

14. When you meet a stranger, does that person usually have to initiate conversation?

15. Are you uncertain about decisions you make?

16. Are you reluctant to share your opinions in a group discussion?

17. Do you often avoid people or situations for fear of being embarrassed?

18. Are you openly critical of other people's ideas, opinions or behaviour?

19. Do you find it hard to express love or affection?

20. Do you find it hard to say "no" to your friends unreasonable requests?

21. When you disagree with someone you respect, do you find it hard to' speak up about your opinion?

22. If a person has borrowed something and not re­turned it, do you hesitate to ask for it back?

23. If your steak is improperly cooked at a restaurant, do you eat it anyway?

24. At the movies, would you hesitate to ask someone to quiet down so you can hear?

0-25 Very Assertive

26-35 Assertive

36-75 Unassertive

76-100 Very Unassertive

Two components of assertiveness are honesty and re­spect. Assertiveness involves standing up for your thoughts, feelings and beliefs in a direct, honest and appropriate way that does not violate another person's rights or show disrespect.

Compiled by

H.Pavlenko, L.Honcharenko, N.Kostenko,

Gumnasia 8, Odessa

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