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по теме: «Инфинитив и его функции в предложении»
I. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего.
1. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy.
2. To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of natural science.
3. To compare the flow of electricity along a conductor with that of liquid in a pipe has become familiar.
4. Quite cleare to apply the deflection method of Stern in the manner described necessitated the greatest refinements of the design.
5. To say that the motion of the visible and weighnable quantities of matter is ultimately dissipated as heat is to say that heat is the energy of motion of the individual molecules and their component atoms.
II. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства.
1. It has become possible to modify the Periodic Table so as to bring out^ the structural features more clearly.
2. In order to understand the procedure, consider the following analogy.
3. It takes the rays of the Sun 8 minutes to get to the Earth.
4. To keep the number unchanged in value, we must multiplay it by the same power^^ of ten.
5. A larger motor taken a long time to get up speed owing to its inertia.
6. To determine whether hydrogen is lighter than oxygen or heavier than air us perform the following experiment.
^ - bring out – (зд.) выявлять
^^ - power – степень
III. Сопоставление инфинитива в функции подлежащего с
инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства. Сделайте анализ
предложений и переведите их, определив, где инфинитив
является обстоятельством, а где – подлежащим.
1. To find the mass of the electron was then of prime importance.
2. To explain the pressure of gases and their diffusion, it is now generally supposed that all substances are made of very minute particles called molecules.
3. To express nuclear energy releases in electron-volts is somewhat like weighing coal in gramms.
4. To be fully effective control must start with the production of raw materials.
5. As regards electron spin, Dirac has shown that to postulate “rotational” attributes for the electron does not involve the induction of any additional hypothesis concerning the nature of elementary particle.
IV. Инфинитив в составном именном сказуемом
(to be + инфинитив).
1. One way of obtaining hydrogen is to pass electric current through water.
2. The intention of the author has been to show some newly developed methods.
3. The problem has been to solidify the substance under investigation.
4. The difficulty will be to obtain the substance in its pure form.
5. The underlying purpose of this book is to present to experimental evidence for those concepts which lie in the domain of nuclear physics.
6. Our first task has been to determine the general classes into which the materials which compose bodies can be devided.
V. Инфинитив в функции определения.
1. The material to be studied is cut into the form of small pyramide.
2. We observed the evaporation of water, a phenomenon to be more fully described later.
3. The lecture to be followed by an experiment is to take place at our Institute.
4. The material to be attacked by X-rays is placed on the screen.
5. The first liquefied gas to be used as a refrigerant on a large scale was ammonia.
6. There were many problems to be solved in order to understand these phenomena.
7. Neutrons serve as particles with which to bombard nuclei.
VI. Повторение синтаксических функций инфинитива.
1. To define exactly what is meant by the total heat in a body is at present still not possible.
2. We make things of aluminium so as to reduce their weight.
3. The effect is too small to be detected.
4. The object to be examined is placed on one side of the lens.
5. The first isotope of plutonium to be made was Pu 238.
6. Many of the drops were small enough to fall slowly with constant velocity.
7. The data to be noted are: temperature and volume of the gas under test.
8. In order to specify the amount of a substance, one may state its mass.
9. This is the first factor to be taken into consideration.
10. The velocity of alpha particles is so great as to be
comparable to the velocity of light.
11. Many examples of this anomalous behavior are to be found
in literature.
12. The benefit to be derived from radioisotope traces has been
widely recognized.
13. The phototubes used in this work are designed in different
ways accordingly to the particular measurement to be made.
14. It has been found convenient to introduce a special unit in
which to measure amounts of radioactive material.
15. Helium which was the last gas to be liquefied, freezed at
about -2720 C.
16. The beta particles have such small momentum and energy
as to be easily deflected in their encountore with gas atoms.
17. The function of the neutrons in the nucleus is evidently to
overcome the repulsive forces that exist between the
18. Empirical equations, discovered as described above, are not
to be considered exact representations of functional
19. The optical spectra, shortly to be described and X-rays
spectra are each attributed to the external electrons of
20. If one cannot obtain first-band information on the motion of
charges, then the next best thing to do is to find some effect
which a flow of charges will produce.
21. More than fifty years before that time Farady had published
his immortal “Experimental Researches in Electricity”, in
which he had been the first to use the term “ion”.
22. It has since been found that neutrons (especially slow ones)
serve much better as particles with which to bombard nuclei
and make them radioactive.
23. To go back again to the analogy of a map, potential may be
compared to the heights above sea-level marked on the
24. Several observations may be cited to illustrate the
difficulties to be born in mind in any study of
devitrification* kinetics.
25. To yield large currents it must be possible for the discharge
reaction to occur on a large scale.
Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 731 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!