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Упра жнения

1. Переведите словосочетания «существительное +

инфинитив» в функции определения:

1. The device to store electric charges …

2. The materials to replace metals …

3. The problem to be solved …

4. An expedition to investigate the local materials for the construction …

5. The substances to be electrified by rubbing …

6. The first mathematician to consider the nature of the resistance of solids …

2. Подчеркните инфинитив в функции определения и

переведите предложения:

1. The article to be translated is rather difficult.

2. The experiments to lead to practical applications are performed in the laboratory.

3. The power station to be built on the river will generate much electric energy.

4. The electromagnet to attract a bar of iron causes a click.

5. The second reason is the wish to produce materials with combinations of desirable properties not found in the nature.

6. Many neutrons do not even strike a U-235 nucleus, since they are absorbed by other materials to be present in reactor.

3. Найдите предложения с инфинитивом в функции

определения и переведите эти предложения

1. Many research workers of our Institute are invited to take part in the expedition

2. To find the necessary information about the part of the country to be explored by the expedition was rather difficult

3. New methods to obtain certain elements from sea water are to be found in the near future

4. The present task of science and engineering is to effect a thermonuclear reaction not in the form of an explosion but as a controlled and cala process

5. The first question to be considered is whether that method is efficient to apply in that case.

6. To calculate the age of our planet you must have much knowledge indifferent branches of science

7. To understand these possibilities of the future we should first consider the tendency of today’s computer technology and the nature of the system to be used.

8. Computers are used to perform mathematical operations in the quickest possible way.

9. The power supply system included a power switching unit to operate in light and dark periods of time.

4. Трансформируйте сложноподчиненные предложения с

придаточными определительными предложениями в простое в

соответствии с образцом и переведите

их на русский язык:


This is the solution which must be kept from coming in contact with air => This is the solution to be kept from coming into contact with air

1. There are the results which will support our conclusion

2. The protecting devices which will be placed on board the ship will require careful maintenance

3. The Soviet Union was the first country that started the cosmic era

4. Leonov was the first cosmonaut who stepped into space

5. D. Mendeleyev was the first man suggested a system of arranging elements in the order of increasing atomic weights.

5. Трансформируйте простое предложение с инфинитивом

в функции определения в сложноподчиненное с

придаточным определительным в соответствии с

образцом и переведите:


The Soviet Union is the first country to utilize atomic energy for peaceful purposes. => The Soviet Union is the first country that utilized atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

1. The protecting devices to be placed on board the ship will require careful maintenance.

2. The engines to be used in space need to be very powerful.

3. Better telemetry equipment to depend on the complex electronic computers is going to be created by the engineers.

4. The building to house atomic reactors should be situated at some distance from other buildings.

5. The instrument consists of a photometre system to measure the intensity of solar illumination.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 388 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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