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Would(verb) would have participle 2

If I had known his background, I would have never have employed him. (I did not know his background and I did employ him)

If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it possible (I did see it with my own eyes, so it must be possible.)

Type 2+ Type 3 mixed

It is possible for each of the two clauses in a conditional sentence to have a different time reference, and the result is a mixed conditional.

If we had brought a map with us, we would know where we are.

If we had brought is contrary to past fact (we did not bring a map.)

We would know is contrary to present fact (we don’t know where we are).

If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t have married her.

If I did not love her is contrary to present fact (I do love her)

I would not have married her is contrary to past fact (I did marry her).

Care needs to be taken when the Type 2 conditional refers to the future.

I would come to the party next Saturday, if I had not arranged to go to the theatre.

This conditional is sometimes “unmixed” to regularize the tense sequence.

I would have come to the party next Saturday, if I had not arranged to go to the theatre.

This sentence sounds a little odd, however, as the verb action (come to the party) is in the future, whilst the regularized verb form (would have come) usually refers to the past.


1.I wish she did not interfere in their affairs. 2. I wish it were not so late. 3. You look so tired as if you had not have a rest for a long time. 4. I wish you were not so angry with me. 5. I wish I knew what to do. 6. He speaks Dutch so well as if he had lived in Holland all his life. 7. I wish he were more punctual. 8. I wish he were not so impolite. 9. I wish I spoke English fluently.. 10. He looked at me as though he suspected me of something. 11. Peter wished she had not failed them. 12. She looks as if she had been ill for a long time. 13. I wish I could do something for you. 14. I wised I had not said it. 15. I wish you would not mention it again. 16. You look so tired as though you had been working hard all day long. 17. She was so surprised as though she had never seen anything like that. 18. I wish I had recognized him.


1. If I knew her name I would tell you. 2. If I had a car life would be better. 3. It would be nice if you helped me a little. 3. If I were rich I wouldn’t work at all. 4. If I were you I wouldn’t go there. 5. If her nose were shorter she would be pretty. 5. If it were not for her money she would never had married. 6. She looks as if she were a princess. 7. If I had known her name I would have told you. 8. Had I known it before I would have never dealt with him.

Sometimes we know all the words in a text but we still can t understand it. This might be because the sentences are long and complex. When this happen, look for the core of each clause: Subject + Verb(s) (+ Object or Complement).

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 392 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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