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Some grammar rules for using gerund

The –ing form is used:

as a noun. Walking is a good exercise.

after certain verbs:

accuse of, admit, anticipate, appreciate, approve of, avoid, be better of, consider, count on, continue, delay, deny, depend on, discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, give up, go, imagine, insist on, involve, keep on (=continue), mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practice, prevent from, put off, quit, recall, recollect, rely on, report, succeed in, think about, resent, resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, tolerate, understand, worry about, etc).

after: dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer to express general preference. She likes painting.

Note: like + to-inf = it’s a good idea. I like to wash my hair every day.

after: I’m busy, it’s no use, it’s (no) good, it’s (not) worth, what’s the use of, can’t help, there’s no point (in), can’t stand, have difficulty (in), in addition to, as well as, have trouble, have a hard\difficult time, be: better off, accustomed to, afraid of, capable of, intend on, successful in, tired of. He can’t stand being treated like a slave. He had difficulty finding his way back.

after: spend\waste (time, money etc), look forward to, be (get) used to, be (get) accustomed to, admit (to).

After prepositions: after, before, on, upon, by, without, instead of, in spite of

Some grammar rules:

The to-infinitive is used:

to express purpose. He went to university to become a lawyer.

after certain verbs (agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse etc).

He refused to pay the bill.

after certain adjectives (happy, glad, sorry etc).

She was happy to win the prize.

after I would like\would prefer to express specific preference.

I’d like to see the manager.

after certain nouns. What a surprise to see him there!

after too\enough constructions.

He’s too young to have his own car.

with: it + be+ adjective (+ of + noun\pronoun).

It was generous of him to offer money.

with: so + adjective + as.

Would you be so kind as to help me move the sofa?

with “only” to express an unsatisfactory result.

She came in only to find Bob had left.

after: be + the first\second etc\next\last\best etc.

He was the last to come to work.

in the expression: for + noun\pronoun + to –inf.

For him to be so rude was unforgivable.

in expressions such as: to tell you the truth, to begin with, to be honest etc.

To be honest, I don’t like him.

The infinitive without to is used:

after: most modal verbs,

after: had better\would rather

after: make\let\see\hear\feel + object. They made him pay for the damage. But: in the passive: be made, be heard, be seen + to –infinitive.

“know” and “help” are followed by a to-infinitive or an infinitive without to.

I have never known him (to) be so mean.

In the passive: be known, be helped + to-infinitive.

She was known to have worked as a teacher

To get smb to do smth, to have smth done/smb do, it’s imperative that smb do smth

In case + present tense, to make smb do smth

Had better=should I had better + present V without to,

I would have been better if + past perfect

Would rather= I’d prefer

I’d rather + V perfect base infinitive

I’d rather + past simple/ + past perfect

Prefer + gerund/ noun+to+gerund+noun

Prefer+ full infinitive+rather than + bare infinitive

Would rather + bare infinitive + than +bare infinitive


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