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Will(verb) would(verb)

They express a hypothetical condition and its probable result.

If I were taller, I would join the police force. (In reality I am not, and never will be tall enough to join the police force.)

If you saw a ghost, what would you do? (I do not believe in ghosts, so I do not think you will ever see one.)

The difference between Type 1 and Type 2 conditional sentences is not related to time. Both can refer to the present or the future. By using a past form in Type 2, the speaker suggests that the situation is less probable, or impossible, or imaginary.

Compare the following

If it rains this weekend, I’ll… (Said in England where rain is common.)

If it rained in Sahara, the desert would… (This would be most unusual)

If there is a nuclear war, we will….(I’m a pessimist. Nuclear war is a real possibility.)

If there were a nuclear war, we would…. (I’m an optimist and I think nuclear war is very unlikely to happen.)

If you come to my country, you will have a good time. (Possible)

If you come from my country, you would understand us better. (Impossible)

“Were” is often used instead of” was”, especially when the style is formal. It is also commonly used in the expression If I were you… when giving advice.

If I were more honest, he would be a better person.

If I were you, I’d cook it for a little longer.

The Type 2 conditional can make a suggestion sound less direct and hence more polite.

Would it be convenient if I called this evening around 8.00?

Would you mind if I opened the window slightly?

“Would” is not usually used in the conditional clause. However, as with “will” in Type 1, it can appear when it expresses willingness. Again, it makes a suggestion sound more polite.

I would be grateful if you would give this matter your serious attention.

“Were to” can be used in the condition clause to suggest that something is unlikely to happen.

If you were to find that your husband had been unfaithful, what would you do?

Type 3

Type 3 conditional sentences are not based on fact. They express a situation which is contrary to reality in the past. This unreality is shown by a tense shift backwards.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 329 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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