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Perfect Continuous to have been sending ---------------------

Функции глагола to have

  1. В роли смыслового глагола в значении «иметь», «обладать»
  2. Как вспомогательный глагол для образования Perfect Tenses

указывающий на предшествие и завершенность действия.

  1. Как заменитель модального глагола со значением долженствования.
  2. В устойчивых сочетаниях с выражением действия have for actions

Have breakfast \lunch\dinner\ a meal/ a drink/ a cup of tea/ a cigarette

Have a swim/a walk/a rest/a holiday/a party/a good time

Have a bath/a shower/ a wash

Have a look (at smth)

Have a baby (give a birth to a baby)

Have a chat (with someone)


Give a short answer

1. Who had to leave by the 7.30 train? – Мой друг

2. Who had to keep to his bed for two weeks? – Моя дочь

3. Who had to hurry to the railway station to catch the train? – Его сын

4. Who had to break up the discussion? – Председатель

5. Who had to cancel the call? – Я.

6. Who had to send him a telegram? - Катя

7. Who has to refuse the invitation? – Они

8. Who has a new TV-set? – Семья Браунов

9. Who had to take a taxi ti drive to the station? – Я.

10. Who usually has a headache after walking in the sun? – У мамы

11. Who occasionally has extra theatre tickets to give away? – Петр

12. Who has a chance to visit London this year? – У Елены и Жени

13. Who has a letter to give Kate? – У меня

14. Who has a country house near the lake? – У моей бабушки

15. Who had plenty of time to spare? – У Марии

Put the verbs into the correct form -ing or to + infinitive

1. Does this job need (do) now or can I leave it until later?

2. I’ve got an extra bed, so when you come to stay, you wont need (bring) your sleeping bag.

3. Tom helped his mother (get) the dinner ready.

4. When he told that everybody had made fun of him, I couldn’t help (feel) sorry for him.

5. Those shirts need (iron) but you don’t need (do) it now.

6. He looks so funny. When I see him, I can’t help (smile).

7. The fine weather helped (make) it very enjoyable holiday.

Многозначность глагола - to be
Спряжение глагола to be
Present Past Future
I am I was I shall\will be
He is He was He will be
She is She was She will be
It is It was It will be

We are We were We shall\will be
You are You were You will be
They are They are They will be
Глагол to be – смысловой глагол, когда за ним следует существительное с любым предлогом, кроме предлога of, или наречия места. Глагол является сказуемым и переводится глаголом быть, находиться. В настоящем времени часто опускается при переводе.

I. Укажите номера 2 предложений, в которых глагол to be является смысловым.

1. The student is at the library.
2. Our time is at the age of atomic power.
3. I was there yesterday.
4. They are listening to the music now.
5. My greatest wish is graduating from the Institute.

II.Выберите правильный перевод предложения, обращая внимание на смысловое значение глагола to be: Our Institute is in the centre of our town.
1.Наш институт находится в центре нашего города.
2.Институт будет построен в центре города.
3.Наш институт находится в центре города.
III. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол to be употребляется в значении»быть»,»находиться».
1.I am a student.
2. He was asked by the teacher.
3. My friend is in the reading-hall.

Глагол to be-связка именного составного сказуемого, когда за ним следует существительное без предлога или с предлогом of, прилагательное, числительное. Переводится как быть, являться, иметь, представлять. В настоящем времени часто опускается.
Глагол to be-вспомогательный глагол для образования группы Continuous,когда за ним следует смысловой глагол в IV форме (Participle I).Являясь вспомогательным глаголом, to be не переводится, а следующий за ним вспомогательный глагол переводится глаголом несовершенного вида,но в том времени, в котором глагол стоит.
Глагол to be –вспомогательный для образования Passive Voice (страдательный залог), когда за ним следует смысловой глагол в III форме.(Participle I).

Passive Voice (страдательный залог)
Залог-это форма глагола, которая показывает, отношение действия, выраженного этим глаголом, к лицу или предмету, выраженному подлежащим предложения. Если подлежащее предложения обозначает лицо или предмет, который сам совершает действие, то глагол-сказуемое стоит в действительном залоге. Если подлежащие предложения обозначает лицо или предмет, который испытывает действие, совершаемое другим лицом или предметом, то глагол-сказуемое стоит в действительном залоге.

Форма страдательного залога образуется с помощью вспомогательного глаголаto be в одном из времен и 3 основной формы смыслового глагола.(Participle II)

Спряжение глаголов во всех временах страдательного залога.
Present Simple am/is/are+ Participle II
Ex. The telegrams are delivered here.

Present Continuous am/is/are being + Participle II

Ex. She is being examined by the doctor now.
Past Simple was/were + Participle II
Ex. His car was removed.
Past Continuous was/were being+ Participle II
Present Perfect has/have been + Participle II
Ex/ All the books have been sold.
Past Perfect had been + Participle II
Ex.He said that the papers had been signed by him.
Future Simple will be + Participle II
Ex.we will be met at the station.
Future Perfect will have been + Participle II
Ex.This work will have been finished by 7 o’clock.
Present,Past,Future Perfect Continuous_____________
Future Continous________________________________

Complex Subject – это сочетание существительного в общем падеже (или местоимения в именительном падеже) с инфинитивом в качестве второй части составного глагольного сказуемого. Служебную часть этого сказуемого составляют в основном глаголы в форме страдательного залога: to see, to say, to think, to suppose, to believe, to find, to know, to make and so on.
All bodies are known to posses weight

Перевод таких предложений следует начинать со служебной части составного глагольного сказуемого: Известно, что все тела обладают весом.
Complex Subject употребляется

  1. с глаголами физического восприятия: to see, to hear, to notice

He was seen to cross the street.
The girl was seen to dance.

He was heard to speak to him.

  1. с глаголами в страдательном залоге, обозначающими высказывание, суждение, сообщение, предположение, ожидание и т.д.: to suppose, to expect, to think, to consider, to report, to declare, to state, to announce

Mr.Blake was supposed to know nothing about it.
She is known to speak three languages.
He was expected to speak on TV.
He is considered to be a good teacher.
He is believed to have lived in London for a long time.

  1. употребляется также в действительном залоге со следующими глаголами: to seem, to appear, to happen

I happened to be there at that time.
He seemed to be a good pupil.

  1. употребляется с глаголам to be в сочетании с прилагательным likely

Their plans are likely to change in the future.
Вероятно, что их планы в будущем изменятся.
Complex Object в английском языке представляет собой инфинитивный оборот, состоящий из имени существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива.

Этот инфинитивный оборот по значению равен дополнительному придаточному предложению. На русский язык переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением с союзами что, чтобы.
I want her (my sister) to see her.
Я хочу, чтобы она (моя сестра) повидалась с ней.
Complex Subject употребляется после глаголов, выражающих:

  1. восприятие посредством органов чувств: to feel, to see, to hear, to watch, to notice

После глаголов этой группы инфинитив употребляется без частицы to
We saw him buy newspapers near our house.

Мы видели как он покупал газету около нашего дома.
I heard the director speak about the results of the exam.

Если глаголы to hear, to see употребляются в переносном значении (to hear – узнавать, to see – понимать), то вместо конструкции Complex Subject следует употреблять дополнительное придаточное предложение.
I heard that he had come to Moscow.
Я узнал, что он приехал в Москву.
I see that you don’t understand me/
Я вижу, что ты не понимаешь меня.
2. после глаголов желания: to want, to wish, to like, to should like
He wants them to go to the exhibition.
Он хочет, чтобы они пошли на выставку.
I wish him to be happy.
Я хочу, чтобы он был счастлив.
I should like her to make the report.
Я бы хотел, чтобы она сделала доклад.
3. после глаголов предположения: to expect, to consider, to suppose
We expect them to arrive tomorrow.
Мы ожидаем, что они прибудут завтра.

  1. после глаголов утверждения: to find, to declare, to know, to think, to report, to state

Transitive and intransitive verbs (by Longman)

To rise (rose, risen) –intransitive, irregular verb is never followed by an object; rising –P1, to fall - antonym

1. to go up, get higher

The river is rising after the rains.

Smoke rose from the factory chimneys.

Her voice rose higher with excitement.

The price of bread has risen by 15%.

The road rises steeply from the village.

He rose to an important position in the firm.

My spirit rose (I became happier.), when I read the news.

2. To come up, appear above the horizon

The sun rises in the east (opposite to set)

3.to get out of bed, get up

She rises before it is light.

4. also arise to stand up from lying

She arose to greet her guests.

5. to show above the surroundings.

Trees are rising over the roof-tops.

6. (of wind and storm) to get stronger.

  1. (of a river) to begin

The River Rhine rises in Switzerland.

  1. to come up to the surface (of a liquid)

The fish are rising, perhaps we’ll catch one.

  1. rise again – rise from the dead, t6o come back to life after being dead
  2. rise to the occasion=to show that one can deal with a difficult matter.

When the unexpected guests came, we rose to the occasion by making a meal.

Raise –transitive, regular verb is followed by a direct object

  1. to lift, push or move upwards, to raise the lid of a box/raise one’s hat

The car raised a cloud of dust as it rushed past. He raised the fallen child to its feet=helped it to stand)

  1. to make higher in amount, degree, size, to raise the rent, temperature, someone’s pay- opposite to lower
  2. to collect together, to raise an army

We couldn’t collect enough money for a holiday.

  1. to produce. To cause to grow or increase and look after living things=bring up children, raise a family/raise horses
  2. . to mention or put forward (a subject)

There is an important point I wanted to raise.

  1. to make (a noise)

The men raised a cheer to cause people to make a noise or have feelings: His long absence raised doubts/fears about his safety.

  1. raise hell/ the roof= to become very angry

Mother will raise hell if you wake the baby.

Lie (lay, lain) lying – intransitive, irregular verb

  1. to be in a flat position on a surface

The book is lying on the table.

He lay on the floor reading a book.

Father is lying down =resting on a bed for a while.

  1. to put a body into such a position

I’m tired, I must lie down.

3. to be in the stated position, be placed

The town lies to the east of us. The decision lies with you (=you must make it)

4. To remain or be kept in the stated condition or position.

The machines have lain idle (=been unused) for weeks now. Don’t leave your money lying in the bank, spend it.

Lie low-затаиться

Lie behind- быть причиной

Lie in- оставаться в постели

Lie, lied, lying = to tell a lie

Lay, laid, laying – a transitive, regular verb

  1. to put down so to lie flat

Lay your coat on the bed.

We have had a new carpet laid in the bedroom.

  1. to set in proper order or position

Lay the table for dinner =place knives, forks…

3.to cause to lie flat, settle, disappear or cease to be active: her fears were soon laid

4. (of birds, insects) to produce an egg

5. (to make a statement, claim, charge) in an official way.

The police have laid a serious charge against you.

  1. to risk esp. money as a the result of some happening such as a rate.

To lay down = to put down tools, arms

To state firmly = to lay down the law, to store for future use.

Training exercise – use “raise” or “rise”

1…..your hand when you want to ask a question.

2. My hair…when I saw this terrible man, the sight was nearly hair….

  1. The oil prices….by 10% this year.

4. My boss did not …..my salary for 5 years.

5. “We must… the production of consumer goods.”

6. The noise….from the busy street below.

7. It isn’t easy to…..children.

8. He never ……his voice.

9. He….to his feet and left the room.

10.. He….the question of a good general education in his latest article.

11. The sun…in the east and sets in the west.

12. They are trying to…money to build a new hospital.

13. Don’t…in bed all morning.

14. Where is the dog? It…..in the sun. Dogs like …..in the sun.

15. You can…..your coat on the chair.

16. He …. like that all afternoon.

17. He….his hand on my shoulder and said softly: ”You’re Mr Briggs, aren’t you?

18. He fell asleep the moment he…his head on the pillow.

19. He…here asleep since two o’clock.

20. As you’ve made your bed so you must…. on it. (Proverb)

21. I’ve lost my hat. It…….on the table in the other room.

22. Europe… north of Africa.

The infinitive and the gerund

Study two lists of common verbs. The ones in the first list always take the infinitive and those in the second always take the gerund.

Infinitive: manage, pretend, offer, promise, hope, plan

Gerund: succeed in, consider, deny, look forward to, avoid, risk

Now use one of these verbs in the correct form to complete each of the following sentences.

1. She finally……to escape by stealing a key. 2. He…….to carry the old man’s suitcase. 3. I’ve never been to France before. I’m…. going there next year. 4. They ….reaching the frontier the following day. 5. She realized that she……breaking a leg if she jumped from the window, but she knew there was no other choice. 6. Her mother made her…….ti write home every week. 7. It was nice tо see you. I………to see you again soon. 8. When he gets out of prison, he…….to travel. 10. He ……..stealing the car, although a witness saw him. 11. Give up smoking if you want to…….getting a cough. 12. He…….to be asleep, but in fact he heard everything they said.

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