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Text C

Mental Dangers of Police Work
Occupational Safety

According to the US Department of Justice Statistics, policing is one of the ten most stressful occupations in the country, along with fire fighting, driving a taxi, and being a surgeon.

In a sense, the greatest threat to law enforcement officers is not an armed criminal or a speeding car, but their own level of awareness, or lack thereof. Police tacticians believe that officers have five general states of awareness, from condition white of condition red. Condition Black-State of panic. Condition Red – continual feeling of nervous worry. Condition Orange-state of alarm. Condition Yellow relaxed, but alert and aware of surroundings. Condition white unaware of surroundings, not paying attention to environment. The ideal mental state for an officer in this spectrum is condition yellow: alert, but relaxed.

Each profession has its own set of stressors, but police are particularly vulnerable to occupational pressures and stress factors. In general, stress factors for police include the following:

· The constant fear of becoming a victim of violent crime.

· The need to comply with the law in nearly every job action.

· Lack of community support.

· Negative media coverage.

Police face a number of internal pressures as well, such as limited opportunities for career advancement, excessive paper work, and low wages and benefits. To cope with the feeling of stress policemen are to attend mental health counseling and consult a police psychologist.

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This text

· identifies three traditional forms of police corruption.

· asserts that policing one of the ten most stressful occupations.

· explains what field training is.

· lists stress factors for police.

· describes the awareness spectrum.

· gives the legal definition of crime.

9. Перепишите вопросы к тексту «C» и письменно ответьте на них.

1. How many conditions are there in the awareness spectrum?

2. What is the ideal mental state for a police officer?

10. Письменно переведите выделенные абзацы текста «С».


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