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Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление различных ing-forms (инговых форм глагола). 1. Recognizing that the police don't have the ability to prevent every crime, many businesses and citizens have decided to have private security

1. Recognizing that the police don't have the ability to prevent every crime, many businesses and citizens have decided to have private security.

2. The young are also in more danger of being crime victims than other age group.

3. She admitted taking a bribe.

4. The murder being investigated was committed last week.

5. He was afraid of failing the investigation of this crime.


Прочитайте текст. Выпишите из него интернационализмы и слова, о значении которых можно догадаться без словаря (не менее 9 слов). приведите их русскоязычные соответствия. Исключите слова, выписанные в контрольной работе № 3.

Text A

Responsibilities of the Police

(Part II)

Preventing Crime. There are two predictable public responses when crime rates begin to rise in a community. The first is to punish convicted criminals with stricter laws and more severe penalties. The second is to demand that the police «do something» to prevent crimes from occurring. Police can certainly prevent some crimes. But the «war on crime» is a war that police cannot win because they cannot control the factors that lead to criminal behavior – such as unemployment, poverty, immorality, inequality, political change, and lack of educational opportunities. Many police stations have adopted the idea of community policing in an attempt to prevent crime better.

Preserving the Peace. To a certain extent, this responsibility of the police is related to preventing crime. Police have the legal authority to use the power of arrest, or even force, in situations in which no crime has yet occurred, but might occur in the immediate future. The police's peacekeeping role often follows the principle of «handling situation» or «fixing up». For example, when dealing with domestic disputes, which, if escalated, can lead to homicide. «Fixing up» such situations police can use the power of arrest, or threat, or coercion, or sympathy.

And if police preserve the peace and «crack down» on the minor crimes that make up street disorder, they will in fact be preventing serious crimes.

7. Определите тематику текста «А», выбрав из предложенных вариантов 4 правильных, расположите их в последовательном порядке и переведите их.

This text

· tells about preventing crime as the most controversial responsibility of the police.

· identifies the five investigative priorities of the FBI.

· gives the legal definition of crime.

· identifies different types of patrol.

· explains the difference between arrest rates and clearance rates.

· is about police's peacekeeping role.

8. Перепишите вопросы к тексту «А» и письменно ответьте на них.

1. Why cannot police win «the war on crimes»?

2. What responsibility of the police is related to crime prevention?

9. Письменно переведите текст «А».


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 474 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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