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Прочитайте текст. Выпишите из него интернационализмы и слова, о значении которых можно догадаться без словаря (не менее 12 слов). Приведите их русскоязычные соответствия

Text B

Identity Theft

Identity Theft involves another person using your name and personal data information for fraudulent purposes. Identity Theft investigations are time-consuming, and many require compiling documentary evidence. A successful Identity Theft investigation requires cooperation from the victim and the financial institution involved. If you are a victim of identity theft, your primary objective is to prevent and minimize further harm to your credit. The following actions should be taken immediately:

· Make contact (by telephone and in writing) with all creditors (credit card companies, telephone companies, utility companies, banks and other financial institutions) to check for any accounts that have been modified or opened fraudulently.

· Inform the businesses and/or financial institution who accepted the fraudulent charge or opened the fraudulent account that it was done so without your knowledge or permission.

· Complete an Affidavit of Fraud.

· Maintain contact with the businesses and financial institutions until their investigation is complete.

7. Определите тематику текста «B», выбрав из предложенных вариантов 4 правильных, расположите их в последовательном порядке и переведите их.

This text

· outlines three levels of Law enforcement.

· gives legal definition of a crime.

· recommends the immediate actions to a victim of identity theft.

· enlarges upon money-laundering.

· lists the economic and financial crimes.

· touches upon Identity Theft.

8. Перепишите вопросы к тексту «B» и письменно ответьте на них.

1. What is Identity Theft?

2. What does a successful Identity Theft investigation require?

9. Письменно переведите текст «B».


Прочитайте текст. Выпишите из него интернационализмы и слова, о значении которых можно догадаться без словаря (не менее 18 слов). Приведите их русскоязычные соответствия. Исключите слова, выписанные в контрольной работе № 3.

Text С

Factors of Juvenile Delinquency

A number of risk-factors linked to juvenile criminal behavior are: age, drugs abuse, family problems, gangs, psychological peculiarities.

Children in homes characterized by violence or neglect – deprivations of love, shelter, food, proper care – suffer from a variety of physical, emotional, and mental health problems.

Legal psychologists believe that adolescents' lack of life experience may limit their real-world decision making ability. Juveniles are generally more impulsive, more likely to engage in risky behaviour, and less likely to calculate the long-term consequences of any particular action. The desire for acceptance and approval may drive them to commit crimes; juveniles are arrested as part of a group at much higher rates than adults are.

Much attention is focused on «shooter» video games. Several bills attempting to ban the sale of violent video games to kids were introduced to Congress. One psychologist called such video games «mass-murder simulators» providing the stepping-stone between being «a normal kid» and «massacring kids». Child psychologists at Kansas State University study the effects of television violence on children. In their studies of the brain, they have found what they believe to be a link among memory, learning, and violent images. Repeated viewing of violent films, violent television programs, and violent video games may cause images of violence to be stored in memory, to be recalled as a «hair trigger» response to frustration or anger. So repeated exposure to violence changes the values of the children, making them more likely to act aggressively.

Such theories are not universally accepted. Many observers point out that millions of children play violent video games and watch violent films without becoming violent themselves.

7. Определите тематику текста «C», выбрав из предложенных вариантов 3 правильных, расположите их в последовательном порядке и переведите их.

This text

· describes risk factors in juvenile delinquency.

· focuses attention on «shooter» video games.

· analyzes psychological peculiarities of children.

· describes the child saving movement.

· lists four major differences between juvenile courts and adult courts.

· explains the concept of prison as a total institution.

8. Перепишите вопросы к тексту «C» и письменно ответьте на них.

1. Why are juveniles arrested as part of a group at much higher rates than adults?

2. What link have child psychologists at Kansas State University found?

9. Письменно переведите выделенные абзацы текста «C».


Материал третьего раздела предназначен как для самостоятельного изучения, так и для аудиторной работы с преподавателем.

В кратком грамматическом практикуме представлены грамматические таблицы только по основным темам, без знания которых невозможно читать и понимать английский язык. Нужный материал для изучения дисциплины в объеме, предписанном Программой, можно найти в рекомендованной учебной литературе


Таблица 1


A, a [ei]   N, n [en]
B, b [bi:]   O, o [ou]
C, c [si:]   P, p [pi]
D, d [di:]   Q, q [kju:]
E, e [i:]   R, r [a:]
F, f [ef]   S, s [es]
G, g [dзi:]   T, t [ti:]
H, h [eit∫]   U, u [ju:]
I, i [ai]   V, v [vi:]
J, j [dзei]   W, w [‘dΛblju:]
K, k [kei]   X, x [eks]
L, l [el]   Y, y [wai]
M, m [em]   Z, z [zed]


Таблица 2

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 909 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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