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On your own. Find interesting facts about the life of Russian settlers in Russian America


Lesson 15. Political Situation in the East at the Beginning of the 19th Century

1. What do you know about the settlement of the Amur area in the 19th century? Choose a correct answer to complete a sentence.

The settlement of the Amur area was organized by

a) N.N. Muravyov b) G.I. Nevelskoy

Nikolay Nikolaevich Muravyov was

a) a Governor - General b) an Admiral

Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy was

a) a round-the world explorer

b) a captain

N. N. Muravyov and G. I. Nevelskoy were

a) friends b) associates

Success in joining the Amur territory back to Russia was achieved thanks to

a) the wise policy of the Russian government

b) a tandem of N. N. Muravyov and G. I. Nevelskoy

It was decided to start the exploration of the Far East because

a) the time came

b) the other countries could occupy this territory

The first settlers were

a) Cossacks b) peasants

The main problems for the first settlers were

a) threat from China and the USA b) lack of knowledge about the land and climate

2. Study the key vocabulary:

impetuous - стремительный

predominating influence – господствующее влияние

deterioration of relations – ухудшение отношений

to estimate the threat – оценивать угрозу

to suffice (for) - быть достаточным, удовлетворять

to bother about the uncertainty of an estuary - беспокоиться о неопределенности устья

to deprive of the entire Siberia – лишиться всей Сибири

to capture - захватывать силой; брать в плен

self-willed - произвольный

to secure - обеспечивать безопасность

3. Replace the following words with the synonyms:

Impetuous, predominating, to estimate, to bother, estuary, to deprive, entire, to capture;

4. Fill the gaps with the words and word-combinations from the key vocabulary:

•During World War II Russia could _____________________________ Russian territory.

• Our frontier guards must __________________________________________ of our country.

• Stalin could not ______________________________ of aggression from the Fascist Germany.

•During the economic crisis the development of our country is not so ___________________ as it was before.

•Such measures would __________________________________to stop business corruption.

•Your deeds can’t be ________________________________________ to solve this problem.

•G8 has the __________________________________________________________in the world.

•You should not ________________________________________________as it is not so deep.

5. Translate into Russian the sentences from ex.3:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 359 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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