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The tunnel is expected to cost $10 to $15 billion. Further complicating the project, however, the tunnel would require building a total of 6,000 kilometers of railway to connect it to the nearest railheads on both sides of the strait. The railway links would add about $55 billion, making up most of the final cost. With cargo traffic of as much as 100 million tons annually expected on the World Link, the investments in the rail section could be repaid in 20 years. Russia and the U.S. may each in the end take 25 percent stakes. Investors in the public-private partnership include the “Russian Railways Company”, “Unified Energy System” and the pipeline operator “Transneft”.
Over the years, the Russians have achieved some amazing feats. The Soviet Union recorded improbable industrial triumphs in the Arctic like exporting metal ore via nuclear-powered ice breaker. The technical feasibility study of this plan is already underway. It is just a matter of time, before the grandiose Russian idea to unlock the riches of Siberia fructifies.
Pipeline link – трубопроводное соединение, to acquire a business dimension- получать, деловой размах, railhead - конечная станция, electric utility - энергосистема общего пользования, feat – подвиг, feasibility –осуществимость, under way – на полном ходу, to fructify –приносить плоды.
17. There is one more grandiose plan to construct a bridge between two continents. Find information about this project and its perspectives and make a short presentation.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 425 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!