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Explain the meaning of the following expressions from the text

•To make the local population to take out the Russian citizenship;

•Poyarkov and his team were the first Russians to see Sakhalin and the Amur estuary;

•Europeans saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time;

•The first Russian stockade was built on the Pacific coast;

Lesson 2. Yerofey Pavlovich Khabarov: a Successful Commercial Man and “Getter” of Russia

1. History test. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences:

• The word “khabar” means

a) “success” b) “traveler”

• Y.P. Khabarov was born in the family of:

a) merchants b) peasants

•He spent his childhood in the:

a) Eastern Siberia b) Western Russia

•He was:

a) a commercial man b) a clerk

• Khabarov

a) had never been imprisoned

b) had been imprisoned for two years

• Khabarov explored the Amur

a) in accordance with the Tzar’s order

b) on his own initiative


a) didn’t stop at the outskirts of the future Khabarovsk

b) stopped at the outskirts of the future Khabarovsk

• Russian Tzar

a) treated him according to his merits b) didn’t treat him anyhow

• That man

a) had a family b) had not a family

•He died

a) in poverty b) being rich and famous

2. Read the text and explain the meaning of the wordkhabar”.

What does the word “khabar” mean?

Russian people did not give nicknames for any particular reasons. In the north-west of Russia the word ” khabar” meant: “news”, “catch”, “gain”¹, “happiness”, “luck”. Evidently Khabarov’s ancestors were lucky, because this nickname became their surname. Yerofey Pavlovich Khabarov spent his life discovering new lands, developing agriculture, trade and other lines of business.

¹gain - выигрыш 2) увеличение, рост, прирост 3) заработок 4) выручка; прибыль

3. Study the key vocabulary:

salt work - солеварня

to plough a field – пахать/вспахивать землю

to build a mill – строить мельницу

to give permission –давать разрешение

adetachment – отряд

to conquer– завоевывать

to get the trophies- получать трофеи

to prepare affairs- подготовить дела

to deprive of rank and property – лишать ранга и имущества

to acquit – оправдывать

to grant a minor noble rank- награждать младшим дворянским чином

4. Match the following word-combinations with their definitions:

•salt is produced in a _______________________

• flour is made in a________________________________

•to work on land ________________________________

•to allow something to do ____________________________

•a group of people ________________________

•to release from custody ______________________

•to make a place somebody’s property _____________________

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 449 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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