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Make up sentences with the key vocabulary. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct key vocabulary item:

4. Complete the sentences with the correct key vocabulary item:

•To pass the mountains it was necessary to _________________________________________.

•Explorers moved to the Far East ____________________________________

•All great explorers ____________________________ of their routs.

•To learn the Daurian way of life it was necessary to _____________________________.

•Indigenous peoples did not want to ______________________________________ and ________________________________________.

•_______________________________ is a sum of money granted to a person for his good work.

• In ancient Russia _______________________________ of great value.

• Every ruler must know ______________________________________.

• That person was______________________ of Khabarovsk.

• In old times_______________________________ was very difficult.

5. Translate into English:

В XVII веке русские цари ничего не знали о восточных границах своих владений. Чтобы получить больше информации, они отправляли на Дальний Восток экспедиции. В состав экспедиций входили в основном казаки и охотники. Они шли на восток не из-за денежного вознаграждения или отреза ткани, в качестве подарка. Желание узнать и увидеть что-то новое, было для них главным.

В те времена дальневосточная земля называлась Даурией. Во время экспедиций исследователи изучали земли и жизнь местных народов. Они составляли карты и описания земель. Такие путешествия были очень трудными, т.к. места были незнакомыми, климат суровым, а местное население было агрессивно настроено против русских, т.к. они силой заставляли аборигенов принять русское подданство и платить дань.

Путешественники двигались, в основном, на лодках по рекам. По суше летом двигались на лошадях, а зимой на собаках. Иногда, чтобы пересечь сушу и горные хребты им приходилось тащить лодки волоком. Но усилия первооткрывателей были не напрасны, т.к. каждый из них открывал что-то новое и вписывал свое имя в страницы истории не только Дальнего Востока, но и России.

7. Scan the table. Analyze the peculiarities of the expeditions. What differences and similar features have you found?

Name of the explorer Ivan Yurievich Moskvitin Vasily Danilovich Poyarkov
Origin Unknown origin; In a family of Kashin (Siberia) Cossacks;
Rank •Cossack from Tomsk; •Member of Dmitry Kopylov’s team exploring the Yenisey and Lena rivers; •Head of team, consisting of 31 persons; •Clerk in the administrative office of Yakutsk; •Head of the expedition consisting of 130 persons;
Dates of expeditions 1637-1641 1643 -1646
Goals of expeditions •To find the way to the Sea of Okhotsk, called the ‘Lama Sea’; •To see unknown lands and describe them; •To study the life of local peoples; •To make the local population to take out the Russian citizenship; •To collect a tribute;   •To reach the Amur river, to research it; •To see unknown lands and describe them; •To study the life of local peoples; •To make the local population to take out the Russian citizenship; •To collect a tribute; •To find copper and lead ores;
Route of movement •Water way down the rivers: Aldan, Maya, Ulya, Okhota, Aldoma; •Land way, towing boats through taiga; •Water way on the Sea of Okhotsk; •Water way down the rivers: Lena, Aldan, Uchur, Gonam; •Land way, towing boats through the Stanovoy range; •Water way down the rivers: Zeya Umlekan, and Amur;
Relations with the local population Unfriendly; They had several conflicts with the local men. Unfriendly; 40 Cossacks were killed by the local men, as they were afraid of Cossacks and didn’t want to pay a tribute.
Conditions of the expeditions Very difficult because of very severe climate and starvation (ate roots, grass, and berries); Very difficult because of hunger and conflicts with the local residents; 80 members of the expedition were killed and died of starvation.
Discoveries •Opened the land way to the Pacific; •Explored the life of the local population and nature; •Got information about the great ‘Mamur’ (Amur) river; •Sailed southwards the Sea of Okhotsk; •Opened the Amur for Russia; •Explored the life of the local population and nature; •Researched the water way to the Pacific coast; •Poyarkov and his team were the first Russians to see Sakhalin and the Amur estuary.
Back way Up the rivers: Maya, Aldan, Lena; From the Sea of Okhotsk up the rivers: Ulya, Maya, Aldan, and Lena;
Importance of discoveries for Russia •Charted a map; •For the first time the Europeans were on the Pacific coast; •Russian Tzar got the information about the boundaries of his possessions. •Built the first Russian stockade on the Pacific coast; •Opened the Russian Pacific epoch •Charted a map; •Was the first to see the Amur territory called ‘Dauria’ •Discovered a new water way to the Pacific ocean, important not only for Russia, but for Europe too; • Described the Amur river, nature, indigenous peoples, their way of life and crafts;
Recognition of merits •Got monetary gratification and a length of fabric; •Cape near Magadan was named in his honor; •Monument in Ulya town; •Was appointed head of Yakutsk; •One of district centers of the Amur oblast was named in honor of V. Poyarkov.

8. Group work. Divide into two groups. Prepare 7-8 questions about I. Moskvitin and V. Poyarkov.

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