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Dear readers!
The main purpose of this book is to show the practical experience of people who were actively involved in the process of discovery, exploration and development of the Russian Far East.
You know that the history of humankind was created by people, but not by some kind of supernatural forces. So when we talk about a particular event in our history, we first think about the people who were participants of this event. But we only remember some of them, the main characters.
In the history of our country there are not so many heroes, because heroes are different from other people. They are always hard-working, persevering, honest, and responsible. These and other features of their character helped them achieve greater success in life and become outstanding human beings. So their life experience can be an example to follow.
In the history of the Far East there were also some heroes, and you should know about them and their contribution to the promotion and development of our region, because you live here. Do you know anything about these people and historical events that took place in the Far East?
Try to answer the following questions:
•When did the development of the Far East start?
•Who were the first explorers of the Far East?
•What kind of man was Y. P. Khabarov?
•What was the contribution of G.I.Nevelskoy and N.N. Muravyov-Amursky to the development of the Russian Far East?
•What do you know about the “Great Amur Campaign”?
•When was Khabarovsk founded?
If you were able to answer all these questions, it's great! You can be proud of yourself!
If you failed, then you have a chance to learn something new, interesting and important.
This book will help you find the answers to all questions related to the development of the Far East during the 17th - early 20 centuries. Good luck!
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1. Fill in the table:
Person | Title | What you know about him |
Ivan IV (‘the Terrible’) | ||
Yermak | ||
Boris Godunov | ||
False Dmitry | ||
Kuzma Minin | ||
Dmitry Pozharsky | ||
Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov |
2. Study the key vocabulary:
prerequisite - предпосылка; предварительное условие
consolidation of Russian lands – объединение русских земель
unshakable stronghold – незыблемая твердыня
to hand out the conferring papers for the lands-раздавать дарственные на земли
to cause a very complicated political situation–быть причиной очень сложной политической обстановки
Great Tumult and ravage - великая Смута и разорение
to restore the Russian statehood – восстанавливать русскую государственность
to face incredible difficulties –сталкиваться с непреодолимыми трудностями
sable fur - соболиный мех
to possess riches – обладать богатствами
duty-collecting team – группа людей по сбору дани (ясака)
to broaden Russian possessions – расширять русские владения
3. Scan the text.
Political Situation in Russia in the 17th Century and Prerequisites for the Exploration of the Far East
After the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, the consolidation of the Russian lands was the main idea of the Moscow tzars.
Ivan IV * ('the Terrible') was the most successful in realizing this idea. He greatly expanded the territory of Muscovy to the south, east, and to a lesser extent, to the west. European West was still an unshakeable stronghold for Moscow, so all of Russia's attempts to be the members of European community were in vain. But the political activity of Ivan the Terrible demanded release of accumulated energy of the Russian people. There was nowhere to go except to the east, at that time the most weak and undeveloped part among the Russian lands.
In 1582-1585 Ermak*, a very brave and warlike leader, during his marches in Siberia smashed Khanate of Kazan, which was an obstacle to the development of Russian Siberia. Thus, he freed the way for research and development not only in Siberia, but also the Far East. Ivan the Terrible willingly handed out the conferring papers for the lands on the rivers of Kama, Chusovaya, Tobol, Irtysh, etc.
Boris Godunov* replaced Ivan the Terrible on the throne. Russian people did not like and did not trust him, because it was a cruel and suspicious person without tzar descent that was the cause of a very complicated political situation in Russia. In 1605, his death marked the beginning of the Great Tumult and ravage of Russian lands by the Poles.
False Dmitry succeeded Godunov. He was a protege of the Poles, who wanted to join the Moscow State to their possessions. His reign lasted only one year because he was brutally murdered by people.
Later from 1606 till 1610 the country was ruled by a rich boyar and famous military leader Vasily Shuisky. He also had no tzar descent. In 1610 Moscow was occupied by Polish invaders and Shuisky was captured and died in a Polish prison. Thus Russia was in a very dangerous situation and the Russian people rose in revolt.
In 1612, People's Army, led by a citizen of Novgorod, Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow and restored the Russian statehood.
The period of the Great Tumult ended in 1613 after the accession to the throne of Tzar Mikhail Romanov*. The new governor faced extreme difficulties. Relations with neighboring countries: Poland, Sweden and the Crimea demanded immediate action; people were tired of terror, persecution and famine; economy had been destroyed; treasury was empty, since there was nothing that Russia could offer to trade in Europe and fill the treasury. His reign in the years 1613-1645 brought peace and stability to Russia.
At that period of time sables were very prized in western countries. Russia could get silver coins, precious metals, jewelry, wine, expensive fabrics, and many other goods in exchange for sables. Only Siberia had such treasures. It was necessary to find new ways to the east, to get as many sables as possible. And the Russian tzars gave orders to organize special duty-collecting teams who had to find new lands, full of sables and other riches and to collect tribute from the local population.
Thus, the path to the Pacific Ocean had been found and traced. Russian explorers crossed the Urals to the Pacific, made numerous great geographical discoveries, broadened the Russian possessions, settled and developed them.
4. Answer the following questions:
•What was the fundamental state idea of the Moscow Tzars?
•What was the result of unshakable stronghold of the European West for the development of Russia?
•What did Ivan IV hand out the conferring papers for the lands for?
•What fact became a cause of a very complicated political situation in Russia?
•How can you characterize the period of the Great Tumult?
•What incredible difficulties did Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov face?
•What riches did Siberia possess?
• To which extent were Russian possessions expanded?
5. Complete the sentences:
•___________________ was the most successful to join Russian lands.
•Only ___________________ was extended in lesser degree.
•Attempts to ___________________________ were vain.
•The released energy found its way in the___________________.
•___________________ defeated Kazan Khanate.
•The Great Tumult and ravage of Russia started in _______________.
•Moscow was occupied by ___________________________.
•Kuzma Minin was _______________ and Dmitry Pozharsky was ____________.
6. Give the synonyms to the following words:
Consolidation, fundamental, to realize, to extend, to replace, by birth, complicated, sovereign, governing, to murder, to release, to demand, to possess, duty-collecting.
7. Describe the political situation in Russia during:
• The reign of Ivan IV
• The Great Tumult
• The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
8. Explain, what the main prerequisites for the exploration of the Far East were.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 418 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!