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Lesson 1. Expeditions of Ivan Moskvitin and Vasily Poyarkov

1. History test. Find the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences:

• Exploration of the Far Eastern lands by Russian people started in …

a) the 17th century b) 18th century

• One of the main reasons to explore the Far East was …

a) sable fur b) salmon caviar

• At that time Russia got …

a) silver coins from Europe in exchange for sable fur

b) gunpowder and paper from China in exchange for sable fur

• In the 17th century Russia …

a) had access to the Western seas b) had no access to the Western seas

• Expeditions to the Far East were based on …

a) the support of the Tzar’s treasury b) on the initiative of the devotees and explorers

• … became the center of Russian colonization at the Pacific in the 17th century.

a) Yakutsk b) Irkutsk

• The first prominent explorer of the Far East was …

a) Ivan Moskvitin b) Vasily Poyarkov

2. Study the key vocabulary:

to explore lands –изучать земли

life of local/indigenous peoples –жизнь местных/аборигенных народов

to take out citizenship –принимать подданство

to collect /to pay a tribute – собирать/платить дань

to tow boats – тащить лодки волоком

to chart a map – составлять карту

boundaries of possessions – границы владений

‘Dauria’ - Даурия

monetary gratification –денежное вознаграждение

length of fabric –отрез ткани

to appoint head –назначать главой, управляющим

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 457 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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