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Review Exercises. 1. Put in the particle to where required

1. Put in the particle to where required.

1) You’d better..... hurry. You don’t have lots of time..... decide.

2) I’m the manager. I’m supposed..... be worried about your being late.

3) It’s up to you..... decide your own future.

4) They were talking so loudly. He couldn’t but..... overhear them.

5) I’d prefer..... choose my own career.

6) Mary would sooner..... remember that day than forget it.

7) George is very upset. You’d better..... leave him alone.

8) He had nothing left..... do but..... listen to their talking business.

9) I can’t find my keys. I must..... have left them in the car.

10) Why not..... come and..... see Ann in the hospital?

11) The detective couldn’t but..... appreciate the fact that Paul had rescued him.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Infinitive from theverbs in brackets.

1) There was nothing..... for. (wait)

2) Ann put the fur coat on and turned round...... (appreciate)

3) He appeared..... plenty of money, which was said..... in South African diamond digging. (have, gain)

4) Every feature seemed..... since he saw her last. (sharpen)

5) Lady Verindah was the first person..... his attention or..... by him. (attract, attract)

6) I suppose Mr Jelleby had been more talkative and lively once; but he seemed..... long before I knew him. (exhaust)

7) Dave seemed..... Stephanie, waiting for her..... the first move. (watch, make)

8) He is said..... a small fortune. (put away)

9) The next thing..... is to move away from this town. (do)

10) Her age was difficult....... (guess)

11) My mother and I are always happy..... you. (see)

12) I found Mrs Smith hard...... (accept)

13) For a few moments, she seemed..... on the edge of choice. (stand)

14) He is not a man...... (ignore)

15) Everything you’ve planned..... is sensible. (do)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 803 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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