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Exchange the compound or complex sentences by those with the Participles in different Adverbial functions

1) He walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

2) If you want to order a vehicle, you have to pay a deposit.

3) She lay awake all night and recalled the events of the day.

4) When I tried to open the can, I cut my hand.

5) As I was anxious to please him, I bought him a nice present.

6) If you are travelling north, you must change at Leeds.

7) Unless you pay by credit card, please pay in cash.

8) Though he admitted that he had received the stolen jewellery, he denied having taken part in the robbery.

9) When it was viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.

10) Although it was built before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.

11) Unless it is changed, this law will make life difficult.

12) If you are accepted for this post, you will be informed.

13) He is so ill that he can't go to work yet.

14) He's had been ill for a very long time, so he needs/needed more time to recover before he can/could go back to work.

15) I have been made redundant, so I'm going abroad.

17. Put in the appropriate preposition/conjunction with the Participles as an Adverbial Modifier.

1)..... annoyed, he used to go to his room and lock himself in.

2) She is a terror..... roused.

3) Here the tram lines ended, so that men returning home could doze in their seats..... roused by their journey's end.

4) He didn't usually utter a word..... spoken to.

5) 'Minister?' said David Rubin,..... surprised.

6) He had to think it over, for even..... posted now, the letter could not reach John till Monday.

7) Sitting there, he could not help perceiving a certain vagueness about such an inspiration, even..... confined to England.

8)..... urged, he never mentioned his wound or his decoration.

9)..... sitting there I looked at various posters.

10) She stopped speaking..... waiting for him to speak.

11) Much of the afternoon I looked out of the window..... thinking, but not really thinking.

12)..... dancing she floated, so light she was, like an eager little spirit.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 672 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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