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Complete the sentences using the appropriate Gerund or Infinitive form

1) After..... more carefully than usual he went to the bank. (dress)

2) There's vivid happiness in merely..... alive. (be)

3) Your tie needs...... (tighten)

4) I wouldn't say such a thing without..... sure. (be)

5) There was nothing...... (fear)

6) He is said..... John. (rescue)

7) His idea was easy...... (understand)

8) He appeared..... a lot of money. (earn)

9) It's a chance...... (miss/neg.)

10) She is hardly..... manager. (appoint)

5. Put in the prepositions/particles where required.

1) I promised them that no harm would come to them..... concluding the contract.

2) It was clearly seen that the director was speaking..... thinking.

3) The story is boring..... be admired.

4) Who is..... blame..... this terrible mistake?

5) She denied..... having stolen the money.

6) I had little hope..... ever learning the truth.

7) Jane suggested..... going to the cinema.......... staying at home.

8) I now regret..... having said what I said.

9) Did he have any special reason..... going?

10) He has the reputation..... being conservative.

11) I saw no harm..... calling at 9 o'clock in the evening.

12)..... receiving the Royal assent the Bill becomes an Act of Parliament.

13) Government departments are responsible..... implementing government policy.

14) There is no difficulty..... understanding that the law is necessary.

15) A criminal case is brought against a person accused..... having committed a crime.

16) The plaintiff starts the lawsuit..... filling a paper called a complaint.

17) If you need a barrister, you never see him..... your solicitor being with him.

18) Shall I tell them or you would rather they..... know?

19) We’d like..... have gone on holiday but we didn’t have enough money.

20) The attorney was made..... play the tape.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 852 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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