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Translate the sentences into English using Participles where possible

1) Человек, ожидающий вас, приехал с Ближнего Востока.

2) Человек, ждавший вас, просил ваш номер телефона.

3) Книги, которые заказывают здесь, обычно пересылаются по почте.

4) Человек, заказавший книги, придет завтра.

5) Он был так серьезно болен, что не мог вернуться на работу в течение месяца.

6) Хотя он очень устал, он лег спать поздно.

7) Так как было очень тепло, дети спали на открытом воздухе.

8) Корабль медленно плыл вдоль берега Белого моря; сотни птиц летали над ним.

9) Было очень темно, и на небе не было ни одной звезды.

10) Когда солнце село, туристы развели костер.

11) Журналисты и репортеры известны во всем мире как люди, не выказывающие должного уважения к правительству.

12) Существуют государственные агенства, сформированные для того, чтобы управлять общественными службами.

12. Put in the appropriate preposition/conjunction /particle where required.

1) By 1988 the cost..... keeping someone in prison was over 250 dollars a week.

2)..... accepting office the Prime Minister is to form a government.

3)..... qualify as a barrister you must take the exam of the Bar Council.

4) It the jurors hear the discussion about the law, it can interfere with their ability..... decide the facts in an impartial way.

5) Because there are many cases..... be heard, judges encourage people to come to an agreement in their case before trial.

6) A brand has a place in people's mind as a brand, whereas a mere product is simply a way..... fulfilling a physical need.

7) In a competitive economy, there is a clear theoretical advantage..... being a brand.

8) Market challengers attempt to increase their market share..... attacking either the leader or some market followers.

9) Public relations are concerned..... maintaining the image of a company product.

10) In such circumstances, producers will not be interested..... making new investments.

11) It is worth..... recalling now that British manufacturing has been damaged by sterling's weakness.

12) The company should take the blame..... not managing expectations better.

13) The production and marketing departments cannot take financial decisions..... consulting the finance department.

14)..... having a single production department is generally inefficient.

15) Production control methods are involved..... ensure good material flow.

16)..... determining its credit policy each company examines its intentions carefully.

17)..... determined, the credit policy should be carefully stated.

18)..... advertising the company saves some other costs.

19)..... put at risk by investing, the company is naturally eager to recover those funds as soon as possible.

20)..... making a presentation to a small group of people, it is useful to have some sort of drawing to illustrate what you mean.

21)..... evaluating the figures the financial manager presents, the directors must weigh the pros and cons.

22) The campaign is called a failure..... achieving no results.

23) Teams are often not nery good..... making decisions.

24) Many figures can be meaningful..... compared.

25) People expect individual currencies..... disappear and be replaced by international ones.

26) It is necessary..... the government to create regulatory bodies.

27) In North America, M&A activity reached a great pace,..... 1,600 deals completed.

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