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Translate the sentences into English using the Participles as an Attribute

1) Я еще не просмотрел всех журналов, присланных нам из Лондона.

2) Машины, заказанные на заводе, прибудут через несколько дней.

3) Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны собраться в Академии в десять часов.

4) Он положил спящего ребенка на диван.

5) Он показал нам список товаров, экспортируемых фирмой.

6) Железная дорога, соединяющая два этих района, была построена недавно.

7) Книги, издаваемые для детей, обычно хорошо иллюстрированы.

8) Я надеюсь, что вы не повторите ошибок, сделанных в прошлом диктанте.

9) Человек, сидевший у открытого окна, смотрел на детей, игравших в саду.

10) Его неожиданный ответ удивил всех нас.

7. Put in the correct form of the Participles as an Attribute using the verbs in brackets.

1) The results..... are consistent and may be summed up in one single rule. (obtain)

2) Of the three instances....., only the last possesses a verbal suffix which is regularly found in other words. (cite)

3) A proper noun is a name..... to one particular person or thing. (give)

4) The information..... throws a flood of light upon the mode of action of the human vocal apparatus. (gain)

5) The following figures, partly..... the territory....., illustrate the extent of losses..... by the fire. (cover, investigate, cause)

6) The two men..... to were highly-placed officials. (refer)

7) At last we saw the picture so much..... about. (hear)

8) The ruling elite in old Japan,..... with its families to about one sixteenth of the population, was a hereditary class of fighters,..... to pursue any other vocation. (amount, forbid)

9) The language processes apply not only to English, but to all languages. In all of them you will find words..... out, and words....., words..... and old words..... together to form new words, words..... from other languages and words..... their use and meaning. (die, be born, create, put, take, change)

Complete the sentences using either the Participle or a clause bearing in mind that in the function of an Attribute Participle I is usually not used to express a past or a prior action.

1) The study was dimly lit by a candle (burn) in the ajoining room.

2) Latin was the ancestor of all the languages (mention).

3) The review is divided into three parts (follow) by a brief comment.

4) The conclusion appears reasonable that Italian (speak and write) by the multitude of correct speakers and writers, is a compromise language (continue) the traditions of various dialects.

5) They dined outside upon the terrace (face) Vesuvius.

6) The girl (bear) all the ups and downs of her life with great indifference, broke down on this and burst into tears.

7) Mr.Orson told his sons to follow him into the little guest-chamber out of which two pretty maids (arrange) the room ran out.

8) The gentleman lit his pipe and went up to the driver (unharness) the horses.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 803 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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