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Translate into English using Participle II as an Attribute

1) На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом.

2) В вазе было несколько увядших роз.

3) Он не любил смотреть на посаженных в клетку животных.

4) Вот новые учебники, присланные для вашей школы.

5) Представьте себе замужнюю женщину, обреченную жить изо дня в день без единой ссоры со своим мужем!

6) Он направился к машине, стоявшей на стоянке.

7) У них обоих была хорошая натренированная память.

11. Write out in two separate columns the word-combinations with the Gerund and those with Participle I. Comment on them doing the transformations as shown:

Advertising campaign – A campaign of/for advertising goods. (the Gerund)

Advertising company – A company that advertises goods.(Participle I)

a) Advertising role, advertising firm, advertising objectives, advertising people, advertising plan;

b) Marketing strategy, marketing agent, marketing activity, marketing people, marketing policy;

c) Working people, working premises, working facilities, working machines, working hours.

12. Complete the sentences with the Participles as a Predicative from the box.

astonishing, boring, convincing, demanding, disappointing, worrying, thrilling, tempting, terrifying, touching, encouraging

1) The film ‘Titanic’ is so....., I advise you to see it.

2) I don’t believe you to have done it deliberately. But anyway, it was extremely......

3) Your suggestion to miss the classes at university today sounds very......

4) When the chairman speaks of devotion to high ideals in business he seems quite..... and even......

5) The performance was so..... that I could hardly stay till the end of it.

6) Even to listen to the story of your dangerous adventures is really......

7) The effect of the manager’s words was......

8) Mr.Jackson didn’t understand your mission. His voice sounded so......

9) The situation became so..... that we all were at a loss.

10) The fact that she can’t remember the origin of her information seems very unusual and......

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