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Use the correct verb form instead of the Infinitive in brackets

1) Mother (to be) very tired, if she (to go) home by train.

2) If the weather (to be) fine next weekend, we (to go) to the country.

3) I (to be) always at home if you (to ring) me up this summer.

4) I always (to help) you this year if you (to need) help.

5) Granny sometimes (not to hear) if little Eddie (to call) her.

6) If the days (to be) sunny in spring, we (to work) in the garden.

7) If Father (to leave) for the south, Mother (to start) preparations.

8) If my parents (not to work) on Saturday, we all (to go) skiing.

9) My father (to buy) a new house, if the bank manager (to lend) him the money.

4. Choose the correct expression in the following sentences.

Model: You can drop in and see us whenever/on condition you like.

1) Until/When he arrives, everyone must stand.

2) We’re not going to stop digging until/as soon as we find the ancient ruins.

3) They’re going to check the building before/as long as the President arrives.

4) Those flowers will be in bloom immediately/by the time spring comes.

5) Please phone your dad the time/immediately.

6) Supposing/In case you had a baby girl –what would you call her?

7) Whether/If Chelsea wins the cups depends on Dennis being on good form.

8) When/After the Smiths arrive, ask them to wait outside my office.

9) As soon as/Before you hear the alarm, run for the exit.

10) You’ll recover quickly once/provided you rest.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1106 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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