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Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Use will, going to, Present Simple and Present Perfect. There are may be two possibilities

Model: As soon as I save/have saved (save) enough money, I’m going to go on a long holiday.

1) I hope you’ll be awake when I ____ (come) home.

2) Come when you ___ (be) ready.

3) We’d like to stay up until the film ___ (finish).

4) All the tickets will have been sold by the time we ___ (get) there.

5) Don’t open your eyes till I ___ (tell) you to.

6) Whether she ___ (play) on Saturday depends on what the doctor says.

7) I ___ (tell) you a secret on condition that you ___ (not tell) anyone else.

8) I ___ (lend) you the book as long as you ___ it ___ (bring back) on Monday.

9) We ___ (take) our swimming things in case we ___ (get) a chance to go swimming.

10) We ___ (go) to bed as soon as the programme ___ (finish).

6. Rewrite each of the following to form a conditional sentence (Type I).

1) The chauffeur may drive fast. Then they’ll catch their train.

2) Perhaps both Steve and James will be successful. Then everyone will be happy.

3) His mother wants to make him study law. Then he’ll be unhappy.

4) Caroline wants to change her job. Then she’ll earn more money.

5) Perhaps Steve won’t go to university. Then he’ll start work in a bank.

6) He wants to go to university. Then he’ll study history or languages.

7) Perhaps she won’t say anything. Then he’ll decide himself.

8) James wants to become a tennis player. Then he’ll make a lot of money.

9) We may have a puncture. Then we’ll telephone the nearest garage.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 2889 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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