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Some workers are demonstrating outside their factory. Use their demands to decide what they actually say to the managers and make conditional sentences (Type 1)

8. The managers of the factory are considering the worker’s demands. Complete the sentences by choosing suitable linking word from the box below.

provided that, supposing, unless, in case, as long as, so long as

1) We’ll pay them more money ___ they work harder.

2) We won’t give them longer holidays ___ they promise to be more productive.

3) We won’t shorten their lunch-break ___ they agree to start earlier.

4) We’ll have to improve safety standards ___ someone has an accident.

5) We’ll consider providing better working conditions ___ we have enough money.

6) ___ we introduce a shorter working week, how will we make a profit?

7) We’ll include worker representatives in the Board of Directors ___ they’re trained to manage.

8) We’ll let some of full-time workers stay with us ___ they agree to be lower-paid.

9. Complete the following sentences.

1) You’ll soon be in trouble if....

2) If you help me a bit,....

3) Dad, if you carry on like this, I....

4) If you drive so fast, we....

5) The house will soon be very dirty, if....

6) If they get a new manager, he....

7) The team won’t make more money unless....

8) You won’t be seasick if....

9) Why don’t you visit Mom if....

10) More people won’t visit their matches unless....

11) What will happen if...?

12) Look up the answer in the key only if....

13)... only if you promise not to tell anyone else.

14) If the worst should come to the worst....

15) Give me time and....

16) We’ll just manage to catch the train if....

17) If I see him again I....

18) What will he say if...?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 892 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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