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Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на формы с суффиксом - ing.
1. A raft is produced by making the entire bottom of the building as one large footing.
2. Walls may be used as spanning members, carrying their own weight as well as some supported loads.
3. There are structural actions of foundation elements, involving internal stresses and strains.
4. Steel frames are convenient in buildings in which central heating or air conditioning plant has to be provided.
5. The load transmission conditions being approximately the same in both directions, a planning with a square mesh is often adopted, this being typical of in-situ concrete construction.
6. The walls of the staircase do not perform a structural function in stiffening the building.
7. Separate panels can readily be removed without damaging adjacent ones.
8. Rainwater run-off from a concrete roof can be obtained more economically by sloping the roof beams.
9. The load-carrying structure of an upper floor transmits the loads acting directly upon it to the supports.
10. This is best achieved by providing frequent lateral supports to the walls so that bending and tensile stresses are low.
Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сослагательное наклонение.
1. One belt truss would be best placed somewhere between the half and three-quarter points in the height of the building.
2. The trusses then function as if they were continuous constructions.
3. These shear walls counterbalance the tensile forces that would otherwise be caused by bending moments.
4. The unit would not fall out if the pressure were enough.
5. If a high strength steel had been used, it would have produced a lighter structure.
6. Cast-in-place slab system is practical where irregular floor designs would make it difficult to form similar precast units.
7. If foundation walls are quite high, a basement is required.
Упражнение 3. Работа в парах.
Студент C: Задайте 5 вопросов различных типов к тексту А.
Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C.
Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 438 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!