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High school in Chicago, USA

This school for 3000 pupils comprises an eight-storey classroom block and a two-storey sports building. The buildings are situated on opposite sides of a street and are interconnected by a footbridge at first-floor level. Both buildings are based on a planning module of 1.53 x 1.53m.

In the transverse direction there is a rigid frame system comprising universal columns and uni­versal beams. The columns are arranged on a 9.14 x 9.14m grid and are spliced every alternate storey. The transverse beams are connected to the columns by means of end plates and high strength friction-grip bolts. Secondary beams spaced at 3.05 m centres support sheet-steel decking and carry a 12.7cm lightweight concrete slab, composite action being ensured by stud shear connectors. Pinned joints are used for the connections between the secondary beams, the internal columns and main beams but rigid joints for wind resistance are used for the connections to the columns in the longitudinal facades. The space on the ground floor is free from internal supports and is spanned in the trans­verse direction by two box girders, on each of which two of the columns from the upper seven floors are supported. These box girders are 21.30 mm deep, span a distance of 27.42 m and are carried by 604 x 604 mm columns. The footbridge connecting the two buildings comprises two lattice girders interconnected at floor and ceiling level by cross beams.

The columns and beams are encased in concrete and sheathed externally with steel plate, stud shear connectors being used to ensure connection between the sheet and the concrete. The spandrel is of cavity construction, the internal space being insulated. The steel framed windows have double glazing.

Both buildings are supported by caissons founded on rock or stable subsoil at 11 m depth.


casing n. защитный слой

filling n. наполнение, заполнение

foamed plastic пенопласт

laboratory n. лаборатория

pupil n. учащийся

sheath v. обшивать

universal adj. универсальный

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What purposes do the three college buildings serve?

2. How is horizontal circulation between the buildings provided?

3. What does the structural system of all the buildings include?

4. What are the features of the columns?

5. What are the facades made of?

6. How is fire protection of the structure provided?

7. What does the high school in Chicago comprise?

8. What does the structural system of the school buildings include?

9. Why are rigid joints used for the the secondary beam connections to the columns in the longitudinal facades?

10. What is the distance spanned by two box girders?

11. What kind of foundation is used?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 400 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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