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Alpha hotel, amsterdam

This hotel with 603 bedrooms has a low-rise podium surmounted by two staggered slab blocks connected to an 18-storey central core. Vertical circulation comprises four passenger lifts, two goods lifts and a main staircase in the core, together with two emergency staircases, one at the end of each block.

The slab blocks comprise transverse frames, spaced at 4.0 m intervals, each consisting of two columns interconnected by beams, braced by diagonal members in each storey. Precast prestressed concrete slabs span longitudinally between the beams. As the columns, beams and diagonal bracing are installed in the walls separating the rooms, the construction depth of the floors is merely the thickness of the pre­stressed concrete slabs. Transverse wind forces are transmitted through the rigid frames; longitudinal wind forces are transmitted by the floor slabs to the reinforced concrete core. The columns are spaced at 10.60 m centres in the transverse direction of the building. Joints in columns are welded, with intermediate steel plates. All other structural connections are bolted.

The 13 cm thick prestressed concrete slabs, 4.0 x 1.50 m, are connected to the beams in the transverse frames by welding to the bars left projecting from the concrete. Joints are filled with in-situ concrete with no floor screed.

The transverse frames for the 16-storey slab block were assembled flat on the ground and then successively raised to the vertical position. Floor slabs, spandrel panels and windows were erected in sequence. In this way the structure of one 4 m long section of building was completed every seven days.


construction depth строительная высота

goods lift грузовой лифт

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. How large is the hotel?

2. How is vertical circulation within the building provided?

3. Why is the construction depth of the floors merely the thickness of the pre­stressed concrete slabs?

4. What is the column spacing in the transverse direction?

5. What are the dimensions of the prestressed concrete slabs?

6. How were transverse frames assembled?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 383 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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