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Technical college at Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland

The college comprises three interconnected buildings serving different purposes: the four-storey main building, a two-storey building with laboratories and a single-storey building with the assembly hall. The first two buildings are linked by a bridge at first-floor level. There are basements under all three buildings, interconnected by two underground passages.

The same structural system is used in all the buildings. Reinforced concrete basement is surmounted by tubular columns arranged on a square planning grid of 8.80 x 8.80 m. The columns are rigidly interconnected in both directions by floor beams, so as to form one-, two- or four-storey rigid frames to resist the wind forces in the respective buildings. During erection, the steelwork was assembled with the aid of temporary bolted connections and subsequently, after final adjustment, all the joints were welded.

The columns are made of storey height steel tubes 318 mm in diameter. Two horizontal gusset plates for connecting the top and the bottom chords of the floor beams are welded to the upper end of each column. Plastic pipes for taking rainwater from the roof are placed inside the columns.

Curtain wall with storey-height glazing framed in stainless steel sections is used for the facade. They are made of spandrel sandwich panels externally profiled and internally smooth stainless steel with foamed plastic insulation. Demountable in­ternal partitions can be connected to any mullion.

Fire protection is provided by asbestos casing and concrete filling for tubular steel columns. Plate girders are sprayed with asbestos and suspended ceilings comprise fireproof panels for the same reason.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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