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Practice the never-miss-a-meal habit

Skipping meals can derail your diet. You feel famished, sluggish and deprived, so you gobble down whatever you can get your hands on quickly – often fast food or a vending-machine staple. Plus consistently eating lightly during the day fools your body into thinking it is starving, so it stores more of the calories it does take in as fat. Stop ignoring your growling stomach and eat three healthy meals and two snacks at regular intervals every day. Pay attention to how energized you feel when you’re not struggling with hunger, fatigue and food cravings!

Try the 10-minute solution.

Frazzled? Too busy to schedule a workout? Commit to doing just 10 minutes of fast walking or some other type of cardio – anything! At the end of that time you might feel so good that you keep going. But even if you stop, you’ve been successful. Research shows that you get the same weight-loss benefits doing 10 minutes three times a day as you do from one 30-minute session.

21.Kick the “I can’t “ reflex.

Every time you tell yourself that you can’t stick to your plan, you chip away at your confidence – and your odds of success. Instead find a way to rephrase your thoughts. You might say to yourself:”It’s hard to fit in exercise, but it’s not impossible. Maybe I could start walking every day at lunch.”

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 408 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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