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Comprehension Questions. 1. What is the main cause of stress in modern society?

1. What is the main cause of stress in modern society?

2. What measures are suggested in order to prevent multi-tasking?

3. What advice does the author give for those who are to accomplish some big projects?

4. In what way can tidying up your desk help you fight eliminate stress?

5. Why does relationship with your boss also influence your stress level?

6. Give your opinion on time-management. Is it the thing worth doing?

7. Have you have been under stress? Describe your own tips of overcoming it.

FOCUS 5. Vocabulary Exercises

Match the words and phrases with their definitions.

1. addiction a. to extend one’s hand to get something
2. culprit b. the kind and amount of food prescribed to a person for some special reasons
3. to reach for something c. food which natural qualities were changed when being prepared
4. to complain of smth d. exceeding expected normal or proper weight
5.politically correct e. food which is regarded unhealthy and lacking nutrients
6. overweight f. becoming physiologically dependent on something
7. junk food g. a structural unit of any living matter
8. processed food h. a person to be blamed for something
9. diet i. avoiding direct naming of certain aspects of life
10.cell Compounds of sugars and starches
11. carbohydrates j. to express discontent

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 505 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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