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Stress - Stamp it out and Ease the Pressure

In today’s hustle and bustle atmosphere of workaholism and efforts to succeed and get ahead, the body’s biological needs are sometimes sacrificed in favor of productivity at any cost. Much of the stress that so many working people struggle under can be traced to forcing yourself to go beyond our capabilities and thereby pushing our bodies to the brink. In our “succeed at any cost” culture, it has become almost chic not to sleep many hours during the night. You will hear people saying “Boy, I worked till 2 a.m. and was up at 7!” And someone will answer: “Wow, that’s great! “. But the results of such attitude are quite sad.

Your shoulders are up by your ears and your head hurts. You’re so knotted up inside, you can hardly think straight, and any harmless remark can make you explode. Diagnosis: stress. This is the number one problem for almost 100% of those who work in this age of cutbacks and short-term contracts, lay-offs and long hours. But it doesn’t mean you can’t rise above the tension.

You’re overwhelmed. Your “To Do” list is six pages long and just looking at it makes you hyperventilate. The possible solution is as follows: Make a master plan. First, edit your list by putting similar tasks such as all your phone calls on one group. The result? You’re looking at ten manageable sections instead of a multi-task pile-up. Next, prioritize. Ask yourself: “What is the most important thing to do right now?” and do it. Don’t work on anything else until you finish. You will be amazed by relief a bit of follow-through brings.

You have got a task terror. You‘ve been putting off that report and anxiety’s accelerating with every passing day. Solution? Take tiny steps. You’re so obsessed with the big assignment; you’ve forgotten each project consists of smaller sections. Break it down, create an outline, write the intro. Stop saying you’ll have it finished by lunchtime. Instead set a deadline and see what you can manage in that time.

You’re a mess. If you’re stressed, your desk will be immediate blast area. It’s a chicken and egg thing – your space is chaos because you’re stressed. You’re stressed because your space is chaos. Mess adds to stress. How can you solve this problem? Get sorted: clean your desk every night. This might sound unrealistic, but get into the habit and the stress saving’s guaranteed. Force yourself to deal with every single piece of paper. There is a place for everything – your filing cabinet, the rubbish bin or someone else’s desk.

Your boss is impossible. She or he is always looking over your shoulder, and it’s making you miserable. Can you sort it out? If you feel you’re being singled out, ask yourself if the criticisms are justified and consider how some adjustments serve you professionally. Very often so much conflict at work is brought about by breakdown in communications. So communicate. Choose your time carefully, then discuss the dynamics between you. Your boss is a human being too and by calling a ceasefire, some tension should defuse.

You’re falling apart. The pressure at your office is so tense, you never get a chance to leave your desk, let alone eat lunch. So it’s no wonder you’re feeling frazzled and under par. What to do? Make room for a life. If you know, you can’t grab lunch, pack a nutritious snack at home. See the danger signals in advance, and you’ll avoid burning out. If work is high-pressured, then make provision. Get your full quota of sleep. Cut back on coffee and sugar which can make you jittery.

You’re overextended. Is your life crammed so full, you see-saw between stress and collapsing on the sofa? What’s the way out? Trying to juggle, a high-pressure job, the gym and a non-stop social life is likely to pull anyone inside out. So try some time-management. For example, at work negotiate an early finish once a week in return for an early start. Think about the things that really make you happy and eliminate the rest. This should give you a lifestyle you’ve got time to enjoy.

Source: http://www.healthfitness.com

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Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-10-25; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 390 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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