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Give yourself 10 good reasons

Grab an index card and write out at least 10 things that are driving your weight-loss desires. Include the vain (“look great in a bikini”) as well as the virtuous (“lower my cholesterol level”). Stash your list in your purse - or heck, laminate the thing and post on your dashboard if it helps. That way when you experience a dip in motivation you’ll have it on hand to remind you everything you stand to gain by sticking like SuperGlue to your plan.

2. Join a gym near your office or school. Exercising during your lunch break or after work or studies will be much more convenient.

3. Know you are not alone! Don’t be afraid to join a health club because of your size. You’ll find a range of body types at the gym.

4. Seek motivation on the Internet. Get 24/7 support with an online weight-loss group. Exchange messages, recipes, exercise tips with others.

5. Stop the “what, crumbs have calories?” syndrome.

Little bites – a handful of chips, a few jelly beans, free samples of cheese at the grocery store – can add up to hundreds of calories and zero satisfaction. Counteract unexpected temptation by telling yourself, “I don’t eat food just because it is there”. You‘ll be amazed how much your eating patterns will improve as a result of using this simple rule.

6. Sign up for a run/walk event or a bike race.

The competition will help you work harder and you’ll make fitness-minded friends

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 382 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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