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Insert the appropriate degree of comparison of the adjective in brackets

Example: The apple is _____ than the orange. (small) - The apple is smaller than the orange.

a) The orange is _____ than the apple. (big)

b) The yellow ball is _____ than the blue one. (small)

c) The red ball is _____ than the green one. (big)

d) The blue ball is the _____ of all. (big)

e) The green ball is the _____ of all. (small)

f) The girl on the right is _____ than the one on the left. (short)

g) The girl on the left is _____ than the one on the right. (tall)

h) The flower on the left is _______ than the one on the right. (beautiful)

i) Rome is _____ from Venice than from Florence. (far)

j) Bari is ____ to Brindisi than to Trento. (close)

k) The distance from Brindisi to Aosta is the _____. (far)

l) The distance from Potenza to Bari is the _____ (short)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 596 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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