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Describe the physical features of the person sitting next to you

9 When describing people which of the following characteristics do you usually include?

Characteristics Description
a) Age: baby, toddler, child, teenager, adolescent, middle-aged, elderly
b) Physical appearance: thin, slim, small-built, medium-built, well-built, muscular, plump, overweight, obese
c) Height: tall, medium / average height, short
d) Race: Black, Asian, Mediterranean, Hispanic, Arab, White
e) Sex/gender: female, male, woman, man, girl, boy
f) Eye color: black, brown, blue, grey, green, hazel
g) Hair color: red, black, dark brown, light brown, blonde, white, grey, highlights
h) Hair type: long, short, shoulder length, straight, curly, wavy, bald
i) Hair style: plait, spiky, bobbed, pony-tail, shaved
j) Facial hair: full beard, moustache, thick eyebrows, plucked eyebrows, clean shaven, unshaven
k) Dress: smart, well dressed, fashionably dressed, badly dressed, conservatively dressed

10 Choose one of these famous people from real life and fiction and describe his/her physical appearance. Can you guess who your friends are describing?

Example: He is a good-looking man of medium height. He is well-built.

He has dark brown curly hair and brown eyes. He is always well-

dressed.(Alexander Pushkin)

Alexander Pushkin Peter the Great Vladimir Putin
Alla Pugacheva Harry Potter Salavat Yulaev
Vitas Jennifer Lopez Charlie Chaplin
Eddie Murphy Nikita Mikhalkov Santa Claus

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 646 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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