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Say what the prominent features of the people in the pictures are

a) b) c)

Example: She has long wavy hair.

d) e) f)

5 Complete the sentences in a suitable way (more than one answer is possible).

Example: She has blonde ____. – She has blonde hair.

a) He has very fair ______.

b) They both have curly ______.

c) I would say he was of medium ______.

d) Her brother has got very broad _______.

e) Last time I saw him he had grown a _______.

f) He has very muscular _______.

g) Both men were very good _______.

h) All of them have dark _______.

6 Replace the underlined unsuitable words in the following sentences with suitable words. Some words are unsuitable because it is impolite to describe people with these words unless you don’t like them.

Example: He told me he met a handsome girl in the disco last night. –

handsome → beautiful

a) She’s beautiful but her younger sister is really quite ugly.

b) I think Peter is getting a bit fat, don’t you?

c) Most people want to stay slim, but not as skinny as that girl over there.

d) I think she’s hoping she’ll meet a few beautiful men at the tennis club.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 523 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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