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6 Read the following texts about houses in Russia paying attention to sentences beginning with there is.

There is / there are

6 Read the following texts about houses in Russia paying attention to sentences beginning with there is.

Houses in Russia are different.

One can see small private houses in the villages. They usually have a yard surrounded by a fence. People in the villages keep farm animals and poultry in the yard. There is usually a shed for keeping poultry within the yard and a barn for keeping crops. There’s always a sauna in every yard. All houses in Russia have either central or own heating systems.

In the cities people usually live in apartments. Apartments in Russia may be two to twenty-story or even taller. People rent apartments for a long period or buy them though they are expensive. The price of an apartment depends on how many rooms and bathrooms it has. Usually a family of four lives in a three-room apartment with two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen. They pay for the utilities (electricity, gas, central heating, water and general maintenance) to the state. There is usually a storeroom for unused things and a balcony. In general, people prefer to buy their apartments rather than to rent them.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 463 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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