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Practice the following dialogues replacing the words in bold type by the phrases in brackets

S1 Does your sister like milk?

S2 No, she doesn’t, but she likes juice (apple juice, peach juice).

S1 Does Mark like milk?

S2 No, he doesn’t, but he likes mineral water (Cola, Fanta, any soda).

S1 Do they like milk?

S2 No, they don’t, but they like tea (coffee, cocoa).

19 Choose the correct auxiliary verb: do, don’t, does, doesn’t.

a) Harry and Joe _____ smoke.

b) I _____ go to the cinema every week.

c) _____ Alice work in a grocery store?

d) In the evenings we _____ listen to music, we watch TV.

e) My brother _____ speak Japanese.

f) _____ the party end late at night?

g) _____ you come from Italy?

h) My nephew ______ go in for football, he likes ice-hockey.

Choose the correct verb form.

a) Andy take/takes violin lessons in the afternoon.

b) I exercise/exercises from six to eight every day.

c) My parents live/lives in the village.

d) Does your mother work/works as a saleswoman?

e) They help/helps each other very much.

f) Where do you go/goes on vacations?

g) My homework take/takes all my time in the evenings.

h) Does your sister call/calls you Tima?

i) All his cousins miss/misses him very much.

j) Why don’t they like/likes each other?

Using the survey data you had collected for exercise 16 describe your neighbor.

Example: Gulshat studies on Saturdays.

She doesn’t wash the dishes at home.

Take-home assignment

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 620 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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