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Many prominent criminologists of the 19th century, particularly those associated with the socialist movement, attributed crime mainly to the influence of poverty. They pointed out that persons who are unable to provide adequately for themselves and their families through normal legal channels are frequently driven to theft, burglary, prostitution, and other offences. The incidence of crime especially tends to rise in times of widespread unemployment. Present-day criminologists take a broader and deeper view; they place the blame for most crimes on the whole range of environmental conditions associated with poverty. The living conditions of the poor, particularly of those in slums, are characterized by overcrowding, lack of privacy, inadequate play space and recreational facilities, and poor sanitation. Such conditions engender feelings of deprivation and hopelessness and are conductive to crime as a means of escape. The feeling is encouraged by the example set by those who have escaped to what appears to be the better way of life made possible by crime.
Variables affecting crime are not readily measurable or applicable on all locations. There are numerous factors one needs to take into consideration.
· Some investigators have gathered evidence tending to show that crimes against person, such as homicide, are relatively more numerous in warm climate, whereas crimes against property, such as theft, are more frequent in cold regions. Other studies seem to indicate that the incidence of crime declines in direct ratio to drops in barometric pressure, to increased humidity, and to higher temperature.
· Lack of proper education and great role-models causes many to fail to distinguish right from wrong. In most cases offenders don’t think they are doing something wrong, it seems right from their point of view.
· Lack of love and respect can be a major issue related to crime.
· Society bombards us with commercial values, making us want more and more material things, to the point when some would do anything (including criminal acts) to get them.
· TV violence.
· Sometimes individuals don’t mean to cause harm, but are drawn into it by a chain of events that are beyond their control or influence.
· Poor parenting skills; erratic or harsh discipline; lack of parental control; parental conflicts; family dysfunction or breakdown; criminal, anti-social or alcoholic parents.
· Fatherlessness is also one of underestimated causes of crime.
· It has long been known by police officers that cold winter nights keep criminals off the streets and crime levels down. Crime scientists speculate that one of the hidden consequences of global warming will be an increase in street crime during mild winters. Studies have suggested that warmer temperatures boost aggression hormones such as epinephrine and testosterone.
· Fraudulent court rulings are one cause of extra crimes.
Since the 20th century the notion that crime can be explained by any single theory has fallen into disfavor among investigators. Instead, experts incline to so-called multiple factor, or multiple causation theories. They reason that crime springs from a multiplicity of conflicting and converging influences – biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political. The multiple causation explanations seem more credible than the earlier, simpler theories. An understanding of the causes of crime is still elusive, however, because the interrelationship of causes is difficult to determine.
Answer the following questions:
1) How do poverty and unemployment influence inclination to crime according to the ideas of the 19th century criminoligists associated with the socialist movement?
2) What are the ideas of present-day criminologists in this respect?
3) Are variables affecting crime measurable or applicable on all locations? Why?
4) Speak about numerous factors which lead to criminal behavor.
5) Can crime be explained by any single theory?
TASK 32. Replace words and word combinations in brackets by their English equivalents from the text above.
1.They pointed out that persons who (не в состоянии адекватно обеспечить себя и свои семьи легальным путем) are frequently driven to theft, burglary, prostitution, and (другие правонарушения). 2. The (условия существования) of the poor, particularly those (в трущобах)б are characterised by (перенаселенностью, отсутствеим личного пространства, неадекватными условиями для игры и отдыха и отсутствием санитарных норм). 3. (Отсутствие соответствующего образования и примеров для подражания) causes many (неумение отличить добро от зла). 4. (Общество навязывает нам коммерческуие ценности), making us want more and more material things. 5. Sometimes individuals (не хотят причинить вреда), but are drawn into it by (стечением обстоятельств, которые выше их). 6. (Безотцовщина) is also one of underestimated causes of crime. 7. Experts (склоняются) to so-called (ьножественный фактор), or multiple causation theories.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1610 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!