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FOCUS 1. You were recommended to us by The Japanese Trade Commission in Prague which informed us that you might be interested in acting as our agent in your country


Japan Importers Ltd.

Osaka Way



Dear Sirs

You were recommended to us by The Japanese Trade Commission in Prague which informed us that you might be interested in acting as our agent in your country.

As you can see from the catalogue enclosed we are manufacturers of high quality glassware and pottery.

We already export to the whole of Europe, North America and the Middle East and wish to expand into the Far East where there is a growing demand for our products.

So we would like to entrust you with the sale of our goods and appoint you our sole agent for Japan. We offer a 9 per cent commission on net list prices, plus advertising support. There would be an additional 2 per cent commission if you accept the del credere. We believe you could expect an annual turnover of more than 500,000 dollars.

If this type of agency interests you, please write to us immediately.

Yours faithfully



Glassware Company Ltd.

17 Zemedelska ul.


Czech Republic

Thank you for your letter in which you offered us a sole agency for your products in Japan.

We have pleasure in informing you that we can handle the type of agency you mentioned in your letter. However, there are some points we would like to be clarified before taking a decision.

Delivery: Would we be expected to hold large stocks or will you supply from stock? If you supply the customers direct, how long will it take an order to be met and shipped?

Payment of accounts: Will customers pay you direct in the Czech Republic or will they pay us and we would settle with you deducting our commission? How would payment be accomplished: by a Letter of Credit or by Bill of Exchange?

Advertising: You mentioned advertising support and we would like you to specify the type of assistance we can expect. As for our contribution we have spacious show rooms where your products can be shown to advantage.

Disputes: If any differences or disagreements arise out of the contract where arbitration will be held.

Length of Contract: How long will the initial contract run? We think that one year should be enough to decide whether it is worth continuing with sales.

We should be obliged if you would send us this information as well as a draft contract.

We are looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Faithfully yours




Brown & Co. Ltd.

16 Nelson St.

London, UK

Dear Sirs

We are a large manufacturing company specializing in motorcycles production in the USA and would like to appoint an agent in Great Britain to act on our behalf selling our products throughout the country.

We generally do not deal on consignment basis but prefer our agents to buy our products for their own account. They usually prefer this method as it proves more profitable for them and allows them greater freedom in determining prices.

We can allow a 30 per cent trade discount off our net list prices and another 5 per cent quantity discount for sales above 200,000 dollars.

Our company offers a full after-sales service which is essential in establishing the reputation of our brands, and your customers needn’t worry about spare parts or maintenance.

We should be very obliged to you if you would provide us with references.

If our offer is of interest to you, please write to us immediately so that we could draw up a draft agency agreement.

Yours faithfully


Marketing Department


October 29, 20...

Dear Sirs

We are glad to receive your letter dated October 21, 20... containing your proposals on increasing our sales in your region. The matter is that we do not think that if we appoint any other agent for your market but for you it will help us much. You know our produce well enough, besides your company is long established. If you agree to act on our behalf and sell our equipment equal in value to the sales of your machines in this country, we will be happy to entrust you with sole agency.

Will you please discuss all the details and particulars of the deal with our representative who will call on you on November 1, 20... if you answer in the affirmative manner.

We hope anyway you will cooperate with us further. Looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours

George McNeil

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 644 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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