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D. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice

1. He made me repeat the instructions. I __________________________.

2. He saw the lorry begin to roll forward. The lorry _________________.

3. The Chief Executive Officer reluctantly let me go on a leave.________.

4. We must send him a Dangerous Goods Note. He _________________.

5. I advised him to ask for a Certificate of Insurance. He _____________.

6. The bank robbers made the cashier show them how to open the safe. The cashier _______________________________________________.

7. She saw the visitor fill in the application form. The visitor _________.

8. The police made him sign a paper admitting his offence against the regulations. He ___________________________________________.

9. The Managing Director let the old craftsman make a mahogany desk for the Minister’s personal use. The old craftsman ___________________.

e. Complete the sentences using an object +to-infinitive after the verbs.

Model 1: Take out an all-risks policy. My partner advised me to take out an all-risks policy.

1. She didn’t advise our principles that the proceeds of our transfer had been credited to the beneficiary’s account only on the 1st of July. You didn’t tell _________________________________.

2. We work hard. Our instructor taught _________________________.

3. The bank executed the payment. The beneficiary ordered _________.

4. You should not delay this payment. The manager has warned _____

5. Garcia wants to send a tentative order for gears. His experts advised ______.

6. Citizens can’t take more than a specified amount of money with them when they travel abroad. The government forbids ___________.

7. Doreen’s score is high and she will go to Green Coats, one of the principle schools in London. Her high score entitles _____________.

8. The driver of the lorry neglected the regulations. The adjusters acknowledged _________________________

Model 2: People know that he is an expert in risk analysis. People know him to be an expert in risk analysis.

1. The insurance agents discovered (that) the claim was false. _______.

2. Mr. Roberts imagines that the damage is caused by negligence on the part of the driver. ____________________________.

3. William Buckhurst believes that all goods are covered by a blanket insurance policy. _____________________.

4. H.G. found that the news concerning the hi-jacked lorry was too discouraging. _________________.

5. Everybody knows that Harper & Grant Ltd. is insured with a syndicate of Lloyds underwriters. _________________________.

6. He discovered that the invoice had been sent. __________________.

7. She pretended that she knew next to nothing about a comprehensive policy. ___________________________.

8. They hope that their firm will succeed. ________________________.

Model 3: He claims that he is an expert in work study surveys. He claims himself to be an expert in work study surveys.

9. I expect that I will hear from my suppliers soon. ________________.

10. He claimed that he had reduced the fees. ______________________.

11. I arranged that I should do the accounts. _______________________.

12. The inspection threatened that it would impose a penalty. _________.

13. We consider that we are experienced enough to meet the special requirements. ___________________________________________.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 807 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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