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A. Complete these sentences so that they refer to other people

Model: I don’t want to speak to the adjuster. I want Tom to speak to him.

1. Coburn doesn’t expect to sell the shoes. It expects the commodity specialist ____________.

2. I don’t want to explain how to ensure the return on the sale. I’d like an expert _________ it.

3. You won’t listen to me. How many times do I have to ask you ____?

4. John McEnroe doesn’t want anyone to know about Garcia’s strange idea. He’d hate anybody _______.

5. I can’t draw up a special contract myself. I need a lawyer ________.

6. We can’t provide funds to support this unexpected proposal. Perhaps our partners can help us ____________________.

B. Rewrite these sentences to begin with the words in italics.

Model: He’d like to remit some money to his “old country”.

He can’t afford it.

He can’t afford to remit some money.

1. The transport company must cover the loss to the property of Harper & Grant. It intends _____________________________.

2. He’ll send a tentative order for the gears. He’s offering. ____________.

3. He wants to rent space in the cargo compartment of a ship for one voyage. He’s just applied. __________________________.

4. Purchase insurance? I refuse. ______________________________

5. The exporter didn’t sell directly to a firm in his own country. He failed. _______________________________.

6. Can you inspect the damaged goods tomorrow? Can you manage ____?

7. Coburn Tool Corporation manufactures large and small machine tools and parts, gears, valves, and bearings. It offers _______________.

8. He would suffer a complete loss. He couldn’t afford it. ____________.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 578 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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