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DIALOGUE. -Hi, Mike. I haven’t seen you for ages

-Hi, Mike. I haven’t seen you for ages. What’s new? How are you?

- Hello, Tom. Up and down. I had a lot of things to do.

-Really. What particularly?

- A month ago “The second scientific students’ conference” took place in our Academy. Many representatives from different parts of our country took part in it.

- It’s very interesting, really. What were the topics to discuss?

- The aim of the conference was to report about chemistry importance in modern life. Besides, we had to describe biographies of the most important and famous scientists.

- Oh, I see. I’d like to take part in such conferences. I would like to tell our students about Albert Einstein. I think he is the most important person in practically all fields of modern sciences. Who did you talk about?

- I chose Serturner as my favorite scientist. I made a visual report about him. I think it was one of the best reports. Besides, some post graduate students made interesting reports about the situation in modern chemistry. They told us, that the science is connected with all aspects of our life.

- Sorry, Tom. I must rush now. In 15 minutes I have a lecture in Organic Chemistry. Our lector uses modern information and his lectures are attended with great pleasure.

- Is it obligatory for you to attend lectures? As far as I know, in some foreign countries students can choose the lectures they want to attend.

- Our Academy follows the classical way of teaching, that’s why all our students cannot miss lessons without a valid excuse.

- I see. Well, I won't keep you long. See you.

- Good-bye. See you around.

Exercise 7: Translate some cliché from the dialogue:

1. I haven’t seen you for ages. 2. How are you? 3. Up and down. 4. I had a lot of things to do. 5. To take part. 6. Valid excuse. 7. I won't keep you long. 8. See you/ See you around.


Exercise 8: Before reading the text answer some questions:

1. Is it important for a pharmacy student to study chemistry? Why?

2. Give your own definition of the term “chemistry”. Compare your answer with “English-English Dictionary”.

3. In the dictionary find the definition of the terms: substances; properties, structure.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 3064 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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